The National (Scotland) - Seven Days

Hamish’s Scottish Quiz

- What was the poet William McGonagall’s middle name?

Thanks to all who emailed me to say how well or badly they did in last week’s quiz. This week’s questions are:

1. In what century did the Protestant Reformatio­n take place in Scotland?

2. On what day of last week did Humza Yousaf announce his resignatio­n?

3. What position did Scotland finish in the 2024 Guinness Women’s Six Nations table?

4. How many presidents of the USA were actually born in Scotland?

5. The Scots word ‘kittle’ means what in English?

6. Did a Scot invent porridge?

7. In what year did the Battle of SheriŠmuir take place?

8. Robert Burns died in 1796. What age was he at the time of his death?

9. The historian Tacitus is the only source for the greatest battle of the Roman era in what is now Scotland. What did he call it?

10. In what year did the Skye Bridge open to tra“c?

11. How many forts – he called them citadels – were created during the 1650s occupation of Scotland by Oliver Cromwell’s army?

12. Known as the Wizard, and found guilty of heinous crimes for which he was executed in 1670, of which city was Major Thomas Weir the captain of the town guard?

13. Who is playing the lead role in the current television series A Gentleman in Moscow? 14. To the nearest decade, in which year was Mary, Queen of Scots, beheaded?

15. Who wrote the novel The Adventures of Roderick Random?

16. Which political party at Holyrood was led by Willie Rennie?

17. Between 1058 and 1290, what was the name of the ‘house’ of monarchs that ruled Scotland between those two dates?

18. Jenny Geddes famously threw her stool at a preacher to spark the so-called Prayer Book riots of 1637. In which church was she at the time?

19. Which city’s Low Emission Zone comes into force on

May 30?


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