Scottish Field

The Strathearn Gallery

One of Scotland’s most popular and instantly recognisab­le artists working today, Ron Lawson opens his largest show of 2022 ‘Looking Back’ at the Strathearn Gallery in Crieff on 22 October


The Hebrides – an isolated wilderness where the machair plains are dotted with crofts and settlement­s and the rugged, rocky shores give way to never-ending beaches stretching out towards infinite skies.

Yet despite their remoteness and emptiness, they are extraordin­ary lands with their own unique beauty, impacting us all in different ways.

Ever since Ron Lawson first heard of the

Hebrides after seeing the ferry to Stornoway as a child, he knew he would visit the islands one day. After his first trip there on a pushbike in

his twenties, little did he then know, this would be the start of a Hebridean love affair that defined his career.

Since that first visit, Ron has returned to the

islands year after year, drawn to their beauty and totally immersing himself in the surrounds in order to portray through his work, the emotions that the Hebrides awaken in him.

‘I’m constantly striving to convey the feeling the Hebrides evoke and the emotional connection I have with the landscape. For me,

the vast skies and stark, empty lands give me a sense of calm that I don't feel anywhere else.'

bor his biggest exhibition of the year, Ron will be focussing this collection of works on certain elements of the Hebrides based on his experience­s there – he is ‘Looking Back’:

In Time

‘When you’re on the islands, there is a sense that time has stopped as there are so many wonderful reminders of days gone by and how things used to be… historic landmarks and buildings, ruins and old crofting parapherna­lia, or, old working practices that still continue to this day. I want to celebrate the more modest,

more peaceful existence I’ve experience­d there by capturing some of these elements in my paintings.'

At the Landscape

‘I love the different terrains and landscapes of the islands and just how they vary from

anywhere else in Scotland. With this collection of works, I want to capture some of the broader scenes and vistas, instead of only

Focussing on sole buildings.'

At my Career

'All of the works I created were painted solely in watercolou­r until 1990 when I started to incorporat­e gouache (an opaque watercolou­r paint) into my skies, to accentuate the stark

Hebridean environmen­t. My entire practice is around the mastery of watercolou­r paint and I love how the medium can be manipulate­d and used like no other. I still feel a huge degree of satisfacti­on from painting pieces entirely in watercolou­r so as part of this exhibition, I’m winding back the clock to paint a collection of

watercolou­r only pieces. Not using gouache means the pieces can look completely different with their variable skies – they’ve allowed me to be a lot less controlled with my work and let

the water work its magic.'

At St Kilda.

‘I was lucky to be able to visit St Kilda a few years ago – I’d read so much about it, its history and the 1930s evacuation­s – it felt like a dream come true to finally be able to go. able ‘I to managed totally to immerse stay for myself four days, – it’s so such was an

amazing place, you can’t help, but be moved by it – how far away you are from anywhere else,

its sheer scale and geography, the wildlife. I want to look back and capture some of the staggering landscapes I experience­d, as well as creating a few pieces portraying one of St

Kilda's iconic bords, the puffin.' 'Looking Back' by Ron Lawson opens at Oam on 22 October at the Strathearn Gallery, Crieff and runs until 13 November. Ron will be attending the exhibition opening on Saturday 2nd, so a great opportunit­y to meet with him Ind discuss his work. His exhibition­s are busy rom the outset so to register interest ahead of he exhibition, email.


 ?? ?? Above: Old Tractor on Machair. Bottom left: Uist Rocky Shore. Bottom right: Barra Red Roof.
Above: Old Tractor on Machair. Bottom left: Uist Rocky Shore. Bottom right: Barra Red Roof.
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