Scottish Daily Mail

Jailed, bogus cop who pointed fake gun and stabbed knife into bar

- By Gordon Currie

A MAN who waved a fake gun around in a hotel before plunging a steak knife into the bar was jailed for 14 months yesterday.

Aleksander Nawrocki, who claimed he was an undercover police officer, acted like he was in ‘an old Western movie’.

He told customers: ‘Feel the power of my 19mm Glock’ as he showed off a weapon at the Caledonian Hotel in Brechin, Angus.

In a later incident, Nawrocki fired a homemade stun gun in front of police officers he had called to his home.

Sheriff Gregor Murray told him: ‘You gave the impression to bar staff you were in possession of a firearm and used a steak knife to provoke and frighten other customers.

‘From photograph­s it appears to be like a live handgun. It was a ball bearing [BB] gun but the witnesses were not to know that. You deliberate­ly took a prohibited weapon to a public place. There is a high degree of culpabilit­y.’

Dundee Sheriff Court was told jobless Nawrocki, 27, later discharged a stun gun after luring police to his house.

Fiscal depute Marie Lyons told the court Nawrocki was on bail for the previous firearms offence when he made an early morning call on May 4 to say he had taken an overdose.

She said: ‘He appeared under the influence of drink and/or drugs. The accused spontaor neously informed a police officer he had self-built something and wished to show him. He went to the bedroom and returned holding a stun gun.

‘The officer did not know what the device was. The accused pressed a small button, causing a spark which caused a high voltage to jump between electrical points.

‘It was seized and the batteries were removed.’

Nawrocki admitted having a stun gun without permission

‘High degree of culpabilit­y’

a certificat­e at his former home in Bridge Street, Brechin, on May 4.

He also admitted having an imitation firearm at the Caledonian Hotel and causing people to believe unlawful violence would be used against them on September 19, 2019.

In the first incident, Nawrocki had been sitting in the bar area eating a steak and drinking lager and straight vodka before plunging his steak knife into the counter.

Fiscal depute Carrie-Anne Mackenzie told an earlier hearing he started talking to offduty barman Daniel Wojick, telling him ‘feel the power of my 19mm Glock’ – actually a BB gun bought online.

Solicitor Billy Rennie, defending, said: ‘His behaviour was like something out of an old Western movie.’

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