Scottish Daily Mail

Swinney accused of code breach

- By Rachel Watson

JOHN Swinney has been accused of breaching the ministeria­l code over claims he withheld evidence from Holyrood’s harassment inquiry – and then contribute­d to a book.

A complaint has been sent to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon urging her to launch an investigat­ion into whether her deputy has broken key rules of office.

Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie has also called for a probe into whether special advisers and officials spoke to authors of a book detailing the breakdown of Miss Sturgeon’s relationsh­ip with Alex Salmond.

Miss Baillie was on the Holyrood committee looking into the Scottish Government’s handling of harassment complaints, while Mr Swinney was the leading minister. She has written to Miss Sturgeon expressing concern over new revelation­s which only emerged in a book, rather than in the parliament. in August, journalist­s Kieran Andrews and David Clegg published Break Up: How Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon Went to War. it details allegation­s against Mr Salmond and the collapse of the relationsh­ip between the pair who had been friends and colleagues for decades.

Miss Baillie believes Mr Swinney spoke anonymousl­y to Mr Andrews and Mr Clegg for the book, a move she believes would breach the ministeria­l code.

in a letter sent on September 1 to Miss Sturgeon, she wrote: ‘it appears the Deputy First Minister, special advisers and civil servants cooperated with the authors.’

She added that she hoped Miss Sturgeon could ‘instruct an urgent investigat­ion into whether the Deputy First Minister, special advisers or civil servants have breached their respective codes of conduct’.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: ‘We have responded in full to Miss Baillie’s letter, and confirmed that there is no need for an inquiry.’

 ?? ?? Inquiry call: John Swinney is subject of book allegation
Inquiry call: John Swinney is subject of book allegation

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