Scottish Daily Mail

Fury of Chaplin’s family at ‘scandalous’ Me Too film


CHARLIE CHAPLIN was given his own ‘Me Too’ reckoning last night when a documentar­y about the British comedy legend had its Mayfair premiere as part of the London Film Festival.

An even more compelling drama was, however, unfolding off-screen. I can disclose that the star’s family is furious with the film-makers.

Model and actress Kiera Chaplin claims the truth about her grandfathe­r has been ignored by its directors, James Spinney and peter Middleton. The Real Charlie Chaplin focuses on his relationsh­ip with his second wife, Lita Grey, whom he married aged 35 when she was 16. She was one of three wives whom he married as teenagers.

‘It was a different time with different mentalitie­s,’ says Kiera, the daughter of Chaplin’s son, Eugene. ‘Back then, if you weren’t married by 18 you were considered an old maid. It’s a shame

these so-called documentar­y directors chose to sensationa­lise something without showing all the facts. Our family office gave them proof that some of what they were saying was wrong, but they ignored it, as it wouldn’t fit their narrative of being scandalous.’

Chaplin, who died aged 88 in 1977, and Lita divorced after three years, with her accusing him of cruelty. His reputation remained untainted. Kiera, 39, adds: ‘Instead of trying to create scandals from the past, why don’t we focus on today, and talk about all the violence against women and girls?’

Spinney says: ‘Lita’s story raises questions not just about Chaplin’s behaviour but also about how the media and political establishm­ent create a culture of impunity for powerful people.’

 ?? ?? Row: Charlie and Lita. Right, Kiera
Row: Charlie and Lita. Right, Kiera
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