Scottish Daily Mail

Doctor’s biopsy bungle

Medic who forgot to send patient samples for testing is struck off

- By Joe Hutchison

A DOCTOR who failed to send away patient biopsy samples for testing has been struck off.

Dr Harry Dye came across a bundle of samples he had forgotten to send off for testing while packing up his office for a move to Australia in March 2016.

The medic, who was practising in Fraserburg­h, Aberdeensh­ire, was found to be unfit to practise after a Medical Practition­ers Tribunal Service (MPTS) hearing in 2017 and was banned for 18 months.

However, a tribunal has now removed his name from the register completely after finding him to be ‘fundamenta­lly incompatib­le’ with practising again.

Dr Dye discovered samples inside his office that he had taken from patients over the six months leading up to March 2016. He then put them into a box for processing at the practice and failed to inform anyone of the circumstan­ces. In total, 13 patients were affected.

After his 2017 hearing, Dr Dye moved to Australia and due to his suspension was unable to register with the medical regulator there.

At a 2019 review tribunal, the panel decided to suspend his registrati­on for a further 12 months.

He has now been erased completely from the medical practition­ers’ register.

MPTS tribunal chairman Fiona Barnett said: ‘His failure to send numerous samples to the laboratory could have had serious consequenc­es for a number of patients.

‘However, the tribunal has received no evidence from Dr Dye to indicate that he acknowledg­es this or to persuade the tribunal that it will not happen again. Dr Dye’s failure to take any steps to remediate his misconduct, having been given several opportunit­ies to do so, is behaviour which is now fundamenta­lly incompatib­le with continued registrati­on as a doctor.

‘In all the circumstan­ces, the tribunal therefore concluded that any sanction less than erasure would be insufficie­nt to protect the public and uphold public confidence in the medical profession.

‘It decided that it was necessary and proportion­ate to direct that Dr Dye’s name be erased from the medical register.’

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