Scottish Daily Mail

Tampax tweet sparks transgende­r row

- By David Churchill

THE tampon brand Tampax faced a backlash yesterday after claiming ‘not all people with periods are women’.

In a tweet championin­g transgende­r rights, the firm also insisted ‘not all women have periods’, adding: ‘Let’s celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed!’

But some feminists branded the post ‘virtue signalling’ and accused Tampax’s owner, Proctor & Gamble, of ‘erasing’ female identity.

Writer and feminist Susan Dalgety, who backed author JK Rowling amid a transgende­r row earlier this year, said: ‘It’s a biological fact you need a uterus to menstruate, and that only females have one. Males do not.

‘I have no idea why Proctor & Gamble thought it was a good marketing tactic to alienate their sole customer base in this way.’

Kellie- Jay Keen-Minshull, founder of the Standing For Women campaign group, said: ‘They are virtue signalling. It’s quite frightenin­g.

When you try and include all identities into womanhood, you ultimately exclude women.’

It comes after high street chain Superdrug last month unveiled a new range of sanitary products ‘for people who menstruate’.

In June, JK Rowling was accused of being ‘transphobi­c’ after insisting only women experience menstruati­on. She had challenged an article entitled: ‘ Opinion: Creating a more equal post-Covid-19 world for people who menstruate.’ Proctor & Gamble did not respond to requests for comment last night.

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