Scottish Daily Mail

Allotment applicatio­ns at record levels as lockdown leads to massive demand

- By John Jeffay

THEY are the havens of green space for gardeners wishing to social-distance in the heart of the city.

So it is little wonder the number of people in Scotland trying to get their hands on an allotment has rocketed during lockdown.

There are currently a record 425 new applicatio­ns in Aberdeen, and 717 in Edinburgh. Councils in Glasgow and Fife have also seen an increase in interest, as have the many privately-run allotments across Scotland.

Allotment hopefuls in Aberdeen face a wait of up to three years. Edinburgh City Council has received 717 applicatio­ns for its 1,488 plots since March 26 – around triple the usual amount. All its sites are currently fully occupied.

Glasgow has seen interest increase by 700 per cent between March and June, with 163 new applicatio­ns.

Bill McMurray, vice-chairman of the Tillicoult­ry Allotment Associatio­n in Clackmanna­nshire, believes the demand for plots since March is down to a combinatio­n of people looking for fresh air and a desire to become more self-sufficient.

The site has 43 plots, including raised beds and starter plots, and prospectiv­e growers may have to wait years to reach the top of the waiting list.

Mr McMurray said: ‘Since March there have been quite a few inquiries but we haven’t got any plots available. It’s fresh air. It’s sociable but you can keep your distance. It’s a welcome break.’

Some allotment sites in popular areas such as the West and South of Glasgow already have incredibly long waiting lists, with some taking up to seven years.

Glasgow City Council said yesterday: ‘Allotments have been a haven for plot holders and there has been a further growth in interest as people look for good reasons to be outdoors.’

 ??  ?? Haven: Allotments are prized plots
Haven: Allotments are prized plots

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