Scottish Daily Mail


His desperate fight to get on evacuation flight to UK ++ The scare of medics in hazmat suits ++ The reality of life in quarantine ++ A Wuhan Brit reveals...


Britons stranded in Wuhan arrived back in the UK on an evacuation flight a week ago. ninetyfour people are currently in quarantine at Arrowe Park Hospital on the Wirral – and will remain there for another week.

so what is life inside the unit – dubbed Camp Corona – really like? Here, Ben Pinkerton, 23, a teacher from Chester who was working for the Education First language company in Wuhan, shares his diary of a life-changing seven days.


D-Day! After eight anxious days confined to the apartment waiting to hear if we’d be evacuated, an email from the Foreign office arrives saying we have to get to the airport right away.

My emotions are mixed. i love life in Wuhan, where i teach English and where my [Chinese] partner odile is. she’s left Wuhan to celebrate Chinese new Year in another city and couldn’t return after lockdown was introduced.

i’ve been here a year and had planned to renew for a second year. But i know staying here is simply too dangerous. so many people have died and the virus continues to spread.

i wasn’t scared. Yes, i was in the epicentre but i knew i just had to get on with it. My friend Josh and i arrive at Wuhan airport just after 10pm.

it’s freezing and we – there are 70 or so Brits – are met by British officials.

they check my passport and there’s a problem. i might not be allowed on the plane. i’m furious and worried. Eventually, after a lot of animated conversati­on, i’m cleared to go.

i feel so relieved. then a piece of paper is put in front of me. it’s a waiver informing me that i agree to spend 14 days in quarantine. i board the plane. Like everyone else – including cabin crew – i’m masked up. i sleep the entire flight.

i wake and see rolling green hills as we approach rAF Brize norton in oxfordshir­e. A little cheer goes up. We board a coach – there’s a medic all gowned up in the front. When i saw the guy in the hazmat suit i thought ‘Yikes! Have we entered the zombie apocalypse or something?!’

then i saw the driver and thought ‘Geez, couldn’t you have got him one as well?’ it kind of defeated the whole object. We’re going to Arrowe Park. nobody complains and i’m back in the north West where i grew up. Everyone is just relieved to be home.


After the emotion of yesterday, the reality of two weeks in quarantine has hit. i’m looking forward to eating British food and having unrestrict­ed access to the internet – something which wasn’t possible in China, where it is censored.

My heart is with those back in Wuhan. it’s a weird atmosphere – everyone is walking around keeping themselves to themselves.

Mealtimes are a chance to make friends. Afterwards i chat with others but it’s hard talking with masks on. But nobody is taking the risk of removing them. i hear a rumour that takeaways can be delivered. it’s the first bit of good news since we arrived.


the second full day in quarantine and some people say they want to leave. i think it’s a foolish idea.

We know what we signed up for. it’s not going to be easy, but if 14 days is how long it takes to be sure we’re healthy, then i’m not arguing with that. there’s a concierge who can order you in stuff. i ask for baked beans and Galaxy chocolate – it’s been more than a year since i’ve tasted them. i later order a Pizza Hut delivery. the doctors say that new patients are arriving very late and they’ll be staying in a separate part of the unit.


i wake up to the news that someone who arrived last night has been put straight into isolation as he feels poorly.

it’s spooked a few people – they fear we’re all at risk. But i remain confident in the doctors. they are amazing – all of the staff are. they carry out daily checks on us to ensure we are oK physically and mentally. this afternoon i speak to my employers, Education First, who say i can work remotely during my time in here. this gives me a massive boost.


i finally get through to my friends in China. i have long conversati­ons with them all. it’s good to hear that they are staying positive despite being in the danger zone. some ask for news of the coronaviru­s and i tell them what i’ve read online. i reassure them that the Chinese authoritie­s seem to be doing all they can to keep them safe. Most are very worried.

After dinner i speak to my parents and grandparen­ts, reassuring them the nHs is treating us well. the call makes me long for home.


My hopes of being able to work have been realised. i spend most of the morning teaching my Chinese students online.

seeing their smiling faces boosts my mood. the students enjoy it too. they tell me how bored they are, cooped up and unable to leave their homes. i binge-watch Fry and Laurie to cheer me up. i’m missing my Thumbs-up: Ben in mask on plane to UK partner odile back in China. Valentine’s Day is going to be a video call from quarantine. How romantic! Doctors tell us the patient in isolation has been given the all-clear. the sense of relief is palpable.


thank God for status Quo! After a lie-in, i listen to Quo’s 1970s albums on repeat. i’m also tackling 12 rules For Life by Jordan Peterson – a very enlighteni­ng read.


it’s now a week since we got back to the UK. Being in quarantine isn’t easy but the care is amazing. i teach in the morning and spend the afternoon updating my friends in China through video calls.

Another week to get through – but i’d rather be here than in Wuhan. i know i’m one of the lucky ones.

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Virus protection: Woman weaCrAs hCazpmtiao­tnsbuoitlo­dn10cpotaC­cAh CtoapWt iorrnabl,othlde nurses’ block being used as quarantine and Ben Pinkerton’s temporary bedroom
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