Scottish Daily Mail

So now the bug is here, what does it mean for you and your family?


What is the virus?

Most coronaviru­ses cause mild lung infections such as the common cold. But they can be deadly. The mortality rate is put at two per cent, compared with 0.1 per cent for common seasonal flu. But the Wuhan strain is so contagious that experts say each patient infects two to three more. In the early stages, the number of cases doubled every six days.

What about the UK?

By last night, two cases had been confirmed in the UK, but public health experts insist the risk in Britain remains low. However, a chief medical officer has raised the danger level to moderate to ‘escalate planning and preparatio­n’ efforts.

So what’s the plan?

Doctors at four specialise­d ‘airborne high consequenc­e infectious disease’ treatment centres are on standby to receive confirmed cases of the coronaviru­s. One is at the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary, where the first two patients are already being treated. Hospitals in Liverpool and the Royal Free and Guy’s and St Thomas’ in London – are also on standby to receive patients. They are each equipped with hightech isolation units and staffed by separate teams.

How is it treated?

Doctors can only treat the symptoms – such as fever and respirator­y problems. Antivirals and antibiotic­s are also used to keep secondary problems at bay. In the most serious cases patients are put on oxygen machines and other life-support equipment – so that even if their organs fail they can be kept alive while the body battles the virus. All of this is done in strict isolation.

Should I go to GP?

If you have been in China in the last month and are feeling unwell you should call your GP and tell them your travel history and symptoms. But public health experts are asking people not to go to their GP without calling first. If you have not been to China, treat your symptoms as you would a normal cold or flu.

Who is most at risk?

The virus can affect anyone – with a study of the first 41 infected people revealing two thirds did not suffer from any pre-existing condition. But of those who do get infected, the elderly and sick are most at risk. Early reports from Chinese health authoritie­s suggested more than half of those killed were 80 or over and most of them had pre-existing health problems. Some children have also been infected.

Any symptoms?

Once someone has caught the virus it may take between two and 14 days for them to show any symptoms. Initial signs include fever, cough, tightness of the chest, shortness of breath and breathing difficulti­es. More severe cases can cause pneumonia, kidney failure and death. There are no specific treatments but symptoms can be treated. The World Health Organisati­on recommends following basic hygiene procedures to reduce exposure and infection, such as frequent hand-washing and covering the mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing. It advises avoiding close contact with people showing signs of fever.

Can I go to China?

The Foreign Office has advised against ‘all but essential travel’ to China, and the country is on lockdown. Even if you could get to China, it would be very hard to get out again. A number of countries – including major transport hubs such as Singapore – yesterday stopped receiving arrivals from China. Russia has sealed its remote far-eastern frontier and Papua New Guinea even barred all visitors from ‘Asian ports’.

Is there a vaccine?

Even though the Wuhan virus appeared just a few weeks ago, modern technology has meant teams around the world are already manufactur­ing vaccines. The Chinese authoritie­s provided the DNA code for the virus very early on in the outbreak, enabling scientists to get to work straight away. Research teams in the US, the UK, France and Russia have already got vaccines ready – but these will need months of testing in trials before they can be widely used. It will take at least a year for them to become available.

 ??  ?? Deadly: The coronaviru­s
Deadly: The coronaviru­s

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