Scottish Daily Mail

EU cuts cod quotas... for last time

- By Michael Blackley

SCOTS fishermen have been promised a better deal from next year, post-Brexit, after the amount of cod they can catch was cut following EU negotiatio­ns.

EU fisheries negotiatio­ns were concluded in the early hours of yesterday morning. It was the last time the UK took part in the meeting of the council of fisheries ministers before Brexit.

As a result of the negotiatio­ns, the amount of cod Scottish fishermen can catch in the North Sea will be reduced by 50 per cent next year.

However, there were increases for other species, with quotas for haddock in the North Sea rising by 23 per cent and sole in the Western Channel rising by 19 per cent.

The decisions may mean that the price of fish suppers in Scotland will fall, since haddock is normally used.

Scotland Office minister Douglas Ross said: ‘The great news for our fishing industry is as we get Brexit done we will no longer be shackled by the hated Common Fisheries Policy.’

The agreement sets fishing opportunit­ies for the UK while it remains part of the Common Fisheries Policy. Mike Park, chief executive of the Scottish White Fish Producers’ Associatio­n, said: ‘Cod is an important part of the mixed fishery for my members and a reduction in what they can catch on this scale will be extremely challengin­g.’

Elspeth Macdonald, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, said: ‘The reduction in the total allowable catch for North Sea cod next year will have a serious economic impact on the Scottish whitefish sector, presenting major practical difficulti­es.’ Fisheries Secretary Fergus Ewing rejected claims fishermen will get a better deal outside the EU. He told Good Morning Scotland: ‘Many fishing nations in the EU are going to say unless we get a good fishing deal that is larger than the status quo, you’re not going to get a trade deal.’

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