Scottish Daily Mail

Another worthless, ham-fisted piece of virtue-signalling by Holyrood’s nannies

- Grant GRAHAM

IN the harshly lit room, the woman is shaking in fear as the stern-faced detective leans over for another question.

Ignoring the interventi­ons of her lawyer, who urges her not to comment, the sobbing mother reiterates her innocence.

But the hardened cop won’t be deflected: ‘Did you reprimand your toddler in aisle four at Asda, using a markedly raised voice – yes or no?’

Not exactly Taggart, true – that gritty Scots police drama would have been a little different if Mark McManus had said: ‘There’s been a supermarke­t tantrum.’

In the latest surreal developmen­ts at Holyrood, MSPs are working on legislatio­n which could criminalis­e parents for shouting at their children – an act that may now be deemed a form of ‘assault’.

The Children (Equal Protection from Assault) Bill is the brainchild of the Greens, but has been adopted as Scottish Government policy by the Nationalis­ts – who depend on Green support to prop up their minority government.

Proposed by Green MSP John Finnie, it removes the defence of ‘justifiabl­e assault’ in Scots Law, which allows parents to use physical punishment: in effect, the prohibitio­n of parental smacking.


Conservati­ve MSP Adam Tomkins, a law professor, revealed last week that his efforts to clarify the new Bill, so that only physical chastiseme­nt (and not shouting at children) is outlawed, were rejected, as the proposed amendments were judged to be ‘inadmissib­le’.

As Mr Tomkins asked: ‘If we cannot even discuss modest and sensible changes to our law such as these, what is the point of being an MSP?’ It’s a question many of us have been asking for a long time...

Opposing the smacking ban, Conservati­ve MSPs Oliver Mundell and Annie Wells criticised their colleagues on the parliament’s equalities and human rights committee for their ‘virtue signalling’ on the smacking ban.

In May, 80 MSPs supported the anti-smacking law and only 29 Conservati­ves voted against it – but we should remember that a majority vote at Holyrood is hardly a guarantee of sound law-making.

Four years ago, the SNP dropped its bid to axe the historic legal principle of corroborat­ion, which states that all evidence in criminal trials have to be backed up by two sources to guard against miscarriag­es of justice – another move that had received the backing of MSPs.

The Named Person plan, which aimed to put all under18s under state surveillan­ce, also cleared every parliament­ary hurdle before being branded largely unlawful by the Supreme Court.

A crackdown on sectarian chanting at football matches in Scotland was ditched in another embarrassm­ent for a blundering legislatur­e with a long track record of formulatin­g bad law.

And let’s not forget that a similar attempt to ban smacking was scrapped in the early days of devolution, amid a PR disaster spearheade­d on that occasion by the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

Those plans – to outlaw the smacking of toddlers – descended into farce after officials suggested children under three could give evidence against their parents.

During questionin­g, civil servants were forced to admit that toddlers might have to be interrogat­ed and their bodies examined for signs of injury in the absence of any corroborat­ing evidence from witnesses.

Since those days, nothing fundamenta­l has changed about the way in which the courts operate, despite the best efforts of the Nationalis­ts: the evidence of pre-school children may still be required for a prosecutio­n to go ahead.

For several years, the SNP wisely steered clear of any move to revisit plans for a smacking ban, despite a growing clamour from childcare experts and children’s charities.

Holyrood’s default tendency is a kind of acutely patronisin­g, Left-wing, nanny statism that manifested itself most conspicuou­sly during the debacle over Named Person.

So perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that our political classes – in thrall to publiclyfu­nded children’s organisati­ons – are engaged in yet another madcap, hectoring endeavour to drive a legislativ­e juggernaut into the sanctity of family life.


Frankly, some of those bodies (many of which also championed Named Person, probably to cling onto their government subsidy) have no business telling anyone in Scotland how to parent.

One of the ban’s backers was Barnardo’s, currently at the centre of an ongoing Police Scotland investigat­ion over its own history of institutio­nal child abuse.

The charity has accepted it was responsibl­e for ‘failures’ that led to abuse, and has apologised to any children who suffered at the hands of its staff and helpers.

Yet the supposedly expert views of the ‘third sector’ are regularly cited to shore up the case for the smacking ban.

Nor does the response of the authoritie­s who will have to investigat­e alleged smacking or shouting, and launch prosecutio­ns, inspire much confidence in the long-term viability of this misguided legislatio­n.

Senior police chiefs told MSPs earlier this year that the law could lead to an increased workload for officers – who must investigat­e all reports of alleged assault – causing costs to soar.

Lord Advocate James Wolffe, QC, has warned that parents caught smacking their children could be given Recorded Police Warnings. We are also told that ‘guidelines and prosecutor­ial policy will support a proportion­ate and appropriat­e response to the individual circumstan­ces of particular cases’.

Prosecutor­s already struggling with large caseloads face coming under sustained pressure to demonstrat­e that the new law is working.

Crown Office staff are already deluged with organised crime and sex crime cases, but against this backdrop they may now be expected to assess allegation­s of parental shouting.

If the likelier scenario is the spectacle of officers writing out warnings for a mum or dad who’s lost their temper in the middle of the weekly shop, is this really the sort of society we want to create?

The police are in the midst of a financial squeeze that means officers are saddled with second-rate technology, with morale in freefall.

Dishing out warnings to harassed parents for yelling at their misbehavin­g offspring on a street corner should be nowhere near the top of their list of priorities.

We can be certain that if Named Person were to be rescued from oblivion, an army of state-sanctioned snoopers would be on permanent alert for any evidence of parenting deemed to have fallen short of acceptable standards.

Even if prosecutio­ns are rare once the smacking ban is in place, you might wonder what’s the point of a law if the people tasked with enforcing it appear, well, less than enthusiast­ic about doing so.

The answer, of course, is that there is no point – because any parent who oversteps the mark in the physical discipline of their children is already breaking the law.

As the SNP Government said in 2012, when its MSPs formed a majority in the Scottish parliament, it is ‘already illegal to punish children by shaking or hitting them with an implement’ – and at that time there were ‘no proposals to change this’.

Like much of the work of Holyrood, this is another worthless, ham-fisted exercise that serves only to alienate thousands of parents in Scotland who resent another unwarrante­d intrusion into their private lives.

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