Scottish Daily Mail



THE warmer months are the prime time for a host of skin problems, from sunburn and insect bites to prickly heat. But a range of new products claim to help.

We asked Dr Justine Hextall, a consultant dermatolog­ist at the Tarrant Street Clinic in Arundel, West Sussex, to review a selection. We then rated them.


Institut Esthederm Sun Intoleranc­e Protective Body Spray, 150ml, £48,

CLAIM: This promises to ‘reduce the sensitivit­y of skin that is ultra-reactive to the sun’ and is said to be ‘rich in anti-inflammato­ry ingredient­s’. Apply daily two weeks before a holiday, hourly for the first three days in the sun, then every two hours for the rest of your trip.

EXPERT VERDICT: On the plus side, this contains glycyrrhet­inic acid (liquorice extract), which can help fade sun pigmentati­on, plus marine extracts (from a type of shrimp) and laminaria (a type of seaweed), which some research suggests may help protect against harmful UV rays from the sun and lighten sun spots (dark patches of sun-damaged skin).

However, this product doesn’t give a specific sun protection factor (SPF) — it just says it’s ‘high protection’. The complicate­d applicatio­n could be stressful, too. I don’t see anything unique to warrant the high price. 5/10 Eucerin Sun Fluid Pigment Control SPF 50+, 50ml, £14.99,

CLAIM: A facial sunscreen to ‘prevent sun-induced hyperpigme­ntation’. It contains licochalco­ne A, glycyrrhet­inic acid and thiamidol, and is said to ‘visibly reduce dark spots over time’. Apply after, or instead of, your usual moisturise­r. EXPERT VERDICT: Hyperpigme­ntation is common and can be caused by hormonal fluctuatio­ns — due to pregnancy or the Pill, for example — which make the skin more sensitive to sun exposure.

Even if successful­ly treated (typically with a cream containing hydroquino­ne, which has a skin-lightening effect), it frequently recurs.

This Eucerin cream is intended as a preventati­ve and a treatment. Licochalco­ne A and glycyrrhet­inic acid (both extracts of liquorice) have been found to be as effective as hydroquino­ne, while thiamidol — which inhibits an enzyme important in the production of the brown skin pigment melanin — compares favourably with hydroquino­ne.

In theory, this cream should help fade pigmentati­on — and protect against further damage. 8/10


Science Of Skin Solution For Bites, 5ml, £8.99,

CLAIM: This rollerball can ‘quickly soothe and calm the effect of bites’. It contains aloe vera to cool skin, capsicum (chilli extract) to numb the bite, plus EGCG (a plant chemical), which the maker says is clinically proven to fight redness and soothe irritated skin. EXPERT VERDICT: The key to treating insect bites is to reduce the inflammati­on quickly. If a bite is scratched, histamine is released, triggering inflammati­on; the more you scratch, the more you itch.

Several studies suggest aloe vera and EGCG have antibacter­ial and anti-inflammato­ry effects, so it makes sense that this lotion will reduce inflammati­on from the odd small bite. However, for multiple, swollen bites you’ll probably need something stronger. If you always get bitten abroad, I recommend taking an antihistam­ine at night as an itch preventati­ve. 6/10


Burnshield Hydrogel Burn Spray, 125ml, £6.18, CLAIM:

Contains ‘hydrogel’ and tea tree oil, said to provide ‘instant cooling and pain relief’. EXPERT VERDICT: This is useful for easing mild to moderate sunburn.

Hydrogel is mainly water, with an added thickener. It creates a moist, wound-healing environmen­t by attracting water to the skin.

Studies have shown hydrogel dressings can speed up the formation of new, healthy skin when treating burns. Tea tree oil is antibacter­ial, which could help prevent infection. 9/10

Balmonds Cooling Cream, 100ml, £19,

CLAIM: A lotion said to help with ‘general cooling of overly hot skin’.

It contains menthol, aloe vera, calendula and camomile ‘to reduce redness and heat’, plus shea butter, olive and hemp oils to replace moisture. Apply as required. EXPERT VERDICT: Aloe vera, calendula and camomile can soothe skin and reduce inflammati­on — and shea butter is good for repairing dry, irritated skin.

Most importantl­y, there are no heat-trapping ingredient­s here, such as petroleum (ironically found in many after-sun creams), as these can exacerbate sunburn symptoms. It should reduce the discomfort of mild sunburn.

Keep it in the fridge for an extra cooling effect. 7/10


Heliocare Advanced SPF 50 Gel, 50ml, £19.80,

CLAIM: A facial sunscreen designed for oily, acne-prone skin. It contains Fernblock, an antioxidan­t, for extra protection. Apply every three hours during high sun exposure. EXPERT VERDICT: Some acne patients are worried about using sunscreen on their faces because it can make their spots worse. Others find sun exposure improves their acne, which can also make it tempting to forget sunscreen.

But acne-prone skin still needs protecting from the sun — not least because UV light can cause what we call ‘post-inflammato­ry hyperpigme­ntation’, areas of discoloura­tion formed as spots heal.

Fern leaf extract helps block high-energy visible, or ‘blue’, light, which is emitted by the sun and by electronic devices. This can’t be blocked by convention­al UVA and UVB sunscreens.

Due to increasing exposure to this light, its effect is being studied. It could have as significan­t an effect in prematurel­y ageing skin as UV light, so it’s a good idea to protect your skin from it. 10/10


Antistax Leg & Vein Massage Gel, 125ml, £7.99,

CLAIM: This contains ‘Bio-Active Flaven’ (red vine leaf), which the maker says has been scientific­ally proven to ‘alleviate leg swelling’, and soothing peppermint oil. EXPERT VERDICT: Achy, hot legs are common in the summer as our veins dilate to allow increased blood flow near the surface of the skin, which helps release heat. But doing this slows blood flow back to the heart and, particular­ly in older patients, this can cause fluid to leak out — causing swollen lower legs.

Some studies suggest red vine leaf extract may help reduce leg swelling, but most of these relate to taking oral supplement­s. I can’t see how a topical gel alone would help much. 4/10


Malibu Clear Hair And Scalp Protector SPF50, 50ml, £4.49, CLAIM: A water-resistant spray for your head, scalp and hair parting. EXPERT VERDICT: Your head and scalp are exposed to UV light whenever you go outside, and this is a very common site for skin cancer. It can be hard to find a sunscreen that doesn’t leave the scalp oily and hair greasy, so this is great, especially as it contains effective chemical sunblocks. 9/10


Rona Ross Foaming Prickly Heat Gel Wash, 160ml, £12.95,

CLAIM: Soap-free face and body wash said to prevent and relieve ‘prickly heat, heat rash and other skin irritation­s’. EXPERT VERDICT: Prickly heat is a bumpy, itchy rash likely caused by a blockage of the skin’s sweat glands, which forces sweat to collect in blisters under the skin.

Washing regularly with this should help reduce bacteria levels — and the anti-inflammato­ry and anti-bacterial properties of the seaweed and tea tree oil are likely to improve symptoms. 7/10


CLn Sport Wash, 100ml, £31.50, CLAIM:

A shower gel designed by dermatolog­ists for active people with skin prone to folliculit­is (inflamed hair follicles), infection and acne. Use after exercise. EXPERT VERDICT: Sweaty skin is perfect for the growth of bacteria and yeast, leading to acne and other skin infections. This shower gel will help as it contains sodium hypochlori­te (basically diluted bleach), which will reduce bacteria and yeast on the skin — but it may be too harsh for your face. 6/10

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