Scottish Daily Mail

The dastardly Mr Deedes


■ Stockbroke­r Liberum is highly critical of Superdry’s recent performanc­e. Analyst Wayne Brown witheringl­y observes in one research note that the company ‘should be doing much better than it is. In order for this to happen it is time for a strategic rethink’. He may be in a good position to know - I am reliably informed he previously worked for Superdry as a very hands-on head of investor relations. I’m told he was let go under the current management but Brown insists: ‘That’s not the case.’ ■ French bank SocGen’s announceme­nt it is cutting £400m at its investment bank spells trouble for the lender’s fixed income traders. Still, at least those collecting their P45s will walk away with a decent wodge in their pantalons. Thanks to France’s notoriousl­y aggressive unions, SocGen’s redundancy cheques are fabulously generous. When it sought 880 voluntary redundanci­es in 2012, it offered pay-offs as high as £250,000. Over 2,000 employees stepped forward. ■ Twitter has suspended a fake account purporting to belong to RBS boss Ross McEwan which posted a series of camp tweets far removed from McEwan’s slightly humdrum demeanour. The account also indulged in some low-level trolling of RBS’s self-important chairman Sir Howard Davies. Utterly puerile. But hilarious stuff, I’m afraid to report. ■ Regarding slippery EU leader Donald Tusk’s remarks that there was a ‘special place in hell’ for UK MPs who championed Brexit, Greece’s attention-prone former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis comments: ‘It’s probably very similar to the place reserved for those who designed a monetary union without a proper banking union and, once the banking crisis hit, transferre­d cynically the bankers’ gigantic losses onto the shoulders of the weakest taxpayers.’ You tell ’im, baldy! ■ Metro Bank founder Vernon Hill’s Yorkshire terrier Sir Duffield visits the lender’s new City branch in Moorgate, declaring, via social media, the store to be ‘pawfect’. Pampered Sir Duffield, who feasts on rare Kobe beef and Dulce de Leche ice cream, holds the title of Chief Canine Officer at the bank. Following Metro’s costly recent share blunder he really belongs in the dog house.

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