Scottish Daily Mail



‘HELL is other people,’ said Jean-Paul Sartre and, for European Council president Donald Tusk, it seems those other people are the ones who encouraged 17.4million Britons to vote Leave.

Damn those people, he wants to say – literally, for he advised this week that there is a special place in Hell reserved for them.

Of course, Sartre’s vision of Hell would not be complete without other people getting hot under the collar too. And, with men like the unelected and unaccounta­ble Mr Tusk around, very many do.

How dare this smirking bureaucrat invoke damnation on the democratic decision of a member state’s people to go their own way? And I say this as someone who wanted to stay. A little self-awareness goes a long way in politics and, if it does not come from within, it is customaril­y provided by the electorate which takes away the levers of power.

Donald Tusk’s problem is he has little interest in what electorate­s think because his highly remunerate­d post does not depend on them.

That is why he lacks the self-awareness to know that it is people exactly like him who made leaving the EU such a good idea to so many.

And it is people like him – arrogant Brussels organ-grinders – who make Remainers like me reflect that, whatever else may lie ahead, at least we are through being his monkey.

 ??  ?? Scorn: Donald Tusk
Scorn: Donald Tusk

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