Scottish Daily Mail

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20


IT’S not always easy to know when you’re doing the right thing. It is, however, usually possible to know when you’re doing the wrong thing; which suggests there’s at least some way to monitor whether or not you’re heading in the right direction. If you can measure your current situation using this model, you’ll be in with a good chance of limiting further damage. Powerful cosmic alignments suggest something ‘wrong’ is coming to a stop. The good news is that then the right thing will happen! In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

SOME people believe that intellect and logic can be used to explain absolutely everything. For them, there’s no such thing as an unsolvable mystery or an unresolvab­le enigma. In order to uphold their beliefs, they focus on practical matters and avoid emotions and spontaneou­s situations. They see the world as being an ordered, structural, definable construct without divine purpose or meaning. There’s no need to justify your feelings today — just enjoy the fact that you’re feeling them! In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WE’VE all found ourselves struggling to find something in a messy cupboard or drawer. Sometimes, it feels like it would be easier to go and buy the item we’re looking for; it seems a faster prospect than sorting through all our disorganis­ed chaos. Of course, that’s a spendthrif­t and careless thing to do. It’s even more wasteful when we follow the same principle with our emotions. If you take the time and care to untangle a complex scenario now, you’ll find it holds just what you’re looking for. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THERE are two sides to every story, and both of those sides have an upside and a downside. Obviously, each downside also has an upside — and vice versa. And each and every one of those sides has its own version of events. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin — no wonder we sometimes find ourselves going round in circles! But where does all this leave you today? It takes you to a place where you can see clearly how to remove yourself from a complicate­d situation by following the simplest approach. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WHAT can you do when you find yourself feeling bewildered? You’ve already looked at the technicali­ties and the practicali­ties — some of which seem daunting. So now that you’ve convinced yourself you don’t have the experience you need, you’re free to worry. Yet you have a choice. Suppose you focus on what you do know? If you really give your all to this issue, you’ll realise that you have more than enough knowledge to deal with it. Keep taking tiny steps. You’re getting there. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

FEELING passionate is a wonderful thing. Even when it feels slightly out of control, it’s a powerful motivator and brings good things to pass. Yet there’s a time and a place for everything. You can’t safely drive a fast car at full pelt down a motorway — you need to take it to a racetrack. Since you’re feeling driven now, it would be wise to find a safe place to express and explore your ideas. Just because other people don’t share your excitement, it doesn’t change much, but it’s worth bearing in mind. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

AS LONG as you’re doing something right, there’s really no need to worry. Even if you feel as if you’re doing most things wrong, as long as you feel you’ve made one good choice, it will eventually have a bearing on everything and cause the whole of your life to vibrate at a more positive frequency. The current powerful cosmic outlook is helping you to recalibrat­e your perspectiv­e and taking you further along the path to comfort and satisfacti­on. There are overdue, positive changes on your horizon. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

THE mechanisms

that help us shift into new phases are a bit like the cogs and wheels of a clock. Sometimes, when they get a little dusty and stuck, they need extra help to get them running smoothly again. You’ve been feeling a lapse in your ability to focus on one particular area of your life, which has made difficulti­es in that area seem more problemati­c. Yet the cosmic climate is giving those tired cogs a boost of energy which will soon free them to turn in a most constructi­ve way. You can move ahead now. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

IMAGINE you’re driving a car with a broken gearbox. You’re limited to two choices; you can crawl or hurtle. Going at normal speed is impossible. It’s bound to be challengin­g. Most people, preferring to stay in control, would probably choose the slower, steadier option. You’ve been faced with such a choice and have restrained yourself from the fast track. Yet you have the experience and the skill to control a high-speed situation. It’s time to trust and stop resisting. Go with the flow! In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

WORRYING is such a tiring business, it makes you wonder why we don’t get tired of it and just stop! It’s possible that you care more about something than you need to. You might find if you stop wanting something to happen in a very specific way, you’ll be able to get a lot more of what you really want. Since the cosmic indication is that you’re about to have more of what you want so badly, you can take this interlude as a time to enjoy what is available to you now. And, let go of what’s causing so much stress. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

EVEN though you have some great friends and acquaintan­ces, they can’t always be relied upon to support you. So, it’s unfair to think that you’re being let down. Although some folk may be unable to give you what you need, others are trying their best to offer help and encouragem­ent — but it would be easy to forget your own powers now. Your ability to help yourself is far greater than you think. Be courageous this weekend. Finding the strength to push on alone will put you in very good company! In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

IF YOU close your eyes and stand in front of a car with a revving engine, you’ll feel a growing sense of unease. What would happen if it were to move forward? Conversely, if you were to stand behind it, you’d be at risk from breathing in all the exhaust fumes. The only place you’d feel safe is on either side. Thus with your life this weekend. You can either worry about potential accidental damage, or you can put yourself into a safe space and trust that what’s happening is exactly what needs to be happening. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the excitement and maximise the delight. Call 0906 751 5612.

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