Scottish Daily Mail

Robert the Bruce’s pony or Ford Mustang? Hmm


LINLITHGOW has witnessed big events over the years, from the birth of Mary, Queen of Scots, to the shooting of the Earl of Moray and, sometime in the future, the birth of Scotty from Star Trek.

Now it has a starring role in the forthcomin­g Netflix movie, Outlaw King, with Scots director David Mackenzie spotted filming his Robert Bruce epic in the manicured palace grounds, a popular stroll for 21st century dogwalkers.

I’ve enjoyed conjuring images of Chris Pine’s, left, Bruce on his famous little pony, trotting purposeful­ly towards the palace and 1314, only to be bothered by a bazillion joyful local dogs wanting him to throw their balls, and trying to tempt his steed with a refreshing dip in the loch. When my friend Ali was across for the Classic Car Show, he found the unit filming right next to the cars; hopefully this means Ford Mustangs and an Aston Martin will turn up in the movie. Not period correct of course, but adding a bit of Mad Max excitement to the proceeding­s.

In fact, none of the present Palace was built until at least a century after Robert the Bruce’s death, but Peter Mullan’s experience as an actor on Braveheart supplies the likely Hollywood response to this:

Peter Mullan: ‘Excuse me Mel Gibson, but we seem to be wearing woad several centuries too late, and tartan several centuries too early.’

Mel Gibson: ‘And it looks gooooood!’

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