Scottish Daily Mail

Now £265k rail boss is probed over ‘sweeteners’

- By Rachel Watson Deputy Scottish Political Editor

AN INVESTIGAT­ION has been launched into individual­s at the top of Scotland’s crisis-hit rail network after claims they accepted gifts and hospitalit­y from contractor­s.

An anonymous tip-off has sparked a probe into a number of managers and bosses – including ScotRail boss Phil Verster.

It has been alleged that they may have breached strict regulation­s about public employees accepting gifts from suppliers.

It is understood Network Rail bosses have called in accountanc­y firm Pricewater­house Coopers (PwC) to conduct an independen­t investigat­ion into the allegation­s.

However, senior rail sources say they are confident the inquiry will clear all those involved – including Mr Verster – of any wrongdoing.

The probe comes as ScotRail faces continued pressure over poor service with complaints regarding delays, cancellati­ons and overcrowdi­ng on services across Scotland.

It was revealed over the weekend that nearly 50 trains face ‘significan­t delays’ of 30 minutes or more every day since Dutch company Abellio took over the ScotRail franchise in April 2015.

And an investigat­ion into overcrowdi­ng found the firm was not fulfilling part of its contract as a clause states that passengers should be able to find a seat within ten minutes of boarding a train, which is often not the case.

Last night the ScotRail Alliance confirmed an investigat­ion into claims made by an anonymous whistleblo­wer. The person claimed bosses were accepting free hospitalit­y and gifts from contractor­s.

This comes just months after the firm updated its gifts and hospitalit­y policy which sets out clear guidance for staff.

The policy warns staff ‘accepting gifts and hospitalit­y can help develop working relationsh­ips, however it is important to consider whether there is a clear business justificat­ion, whether the timing is appropriat­e and how acceptance might look to the outside world’.

Earlier this month, it was revealed Mr Verster’s basic annual wage had risen to £265,000. This is an increase of between £22,500 and £33,000. It is also understood that he had received additional pay through the firm’s bonus scheme, but it is not known how much he was paid.

A source close to the probe said: ‘This is a public company with public money at stake. So any allegation­s must be properly investigat­ed.’

It is understood the firm is confident the investigat­ion will find no evidence of any wrongdoing, and those involved – including Mr Verster – will be cleared.

A ScotRail Alliance spokesman said: ‘Any allegation against our staff is always taken very seriously and properly investigat­ed. It would not be appropriat­e or fair to comment on individual cases until our internal investigat­ion process is complete.’

New figures have revealed that on average 49 trains are late by 30 minutes or more every day across the country.

They also show that on Thursday last week, performanc­e dipped again to just 74.2 per cent. If it falls to 84.3 per cent or below for three consecutiv­e months – or four out of 13 – the Scottish Government can cancel Abellio’s contract.

‘Properly investigat­ed’

 ??  ?? Complaint: Boss Phil Verster
Complaint: Boss Phil Verster

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