Scottish Daily Mail

Re-elect Nicola if you want more years of misery


Get back to basics

It seems to me that the leaders of the main parties are l acking basic manners and politeness.

As an undecided voter, three weeks ago I wrote to the leaders expressing my concern about the lack of available help and training for older jobseekers such as myself. there is no help available f or this age group – all resources are targeted at the under-25s.

the tories’ Ruth Davidson and the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon failed to respond to my email or letter, while Lib Dem Willie Rennie and Labour’s Kezia Dugdale responded within a week.

Of course I realise that leaders are busy, but it seems to me they are more interested i n promoting t hemselves j udging by the number of selfies taken.

Perhaps they need to get back to basics and have the courtesy to reply to voters’ letters.

GoRDoN KeNNeDY, Perth.

Question time

tHE electorate might consider carefully the following points before voting:

1. Why is now so difficult to get an appointmen­t with a doctor?

2. Why do we have to wait so long to get treatment and a hospital appointmen­t?

3. Why are our schools performing so badly?

4. Why are our emergency services in such a poor state?

5. Why is the Scottish economy lagging behind the rest of the UK?

6. Why i s unemployme­nt higher in Scotland than in the rest of the UK?

DeNNIs GRAttAN, Aberdeen.

Uncertain future

It is deeply concerning that the First Minister of Scotland refuses to keep her own pledge on the referendum being a once in a generation event.

What signal does this send to young people about politician­s and promises?

Even more importantl­y, it sends a signal to families and businesses that once again their future is uncertain, that t heir currency, passport, pension schemes and banking systems might all change.

they might be part of the UK or they might not be, they might leave both the UK and the EU and then try to get back into the EU.

Is it any wonder unemployme­nt is rising in Scotland, economic growth is faltering and house prices are falling?

A decent First Minister would put families’ minds at rest by sticking to her pledge.

MICHelle sMYtHe, edinburgh.

Our priceless NHS

NONE of the political parties has a right to claim the NHS as ‘theirs’ to bleat on about what they will do and will not do.

It should be taken out of politics altogether and be properly funded, not used as a political football.

It is a unique and priceless service with dedicated staff that we all need at some stage in our lives.

In my opinion the SNP is the most hypocritic­al on the subject.

the Nationalis­ts constantly told us of privatisat­ion fears and funding threats during the independen­ce campaign yet t he NHS has been f ull y devolved for years and entirely the responsibi­lity of whichever party holds power in Scotland. Figures given in the run-up to election say that the amount spent on health care by the tories in England 2014-2015 increased by 4.1 per cent to £ 111.7billion, i n Wales by 4.6 per cent. Yet in Scotland under the SNP, it rose by only 0.8 per cent.

they cannot blame ‘ tory austerity’, the oft- shouted war- cry: the issue is totally devolved to Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon says ‘judge us on our performanc­e’.

Would that be over the past nine years of their governance or would t hat be f r om tomorrow? MICHAel beItH, Fenwick,


Reform, not repeat

INDYREF2 is like a blob of tartan chewing gum sticking to Scotland’s shoe.

Nicola Sturgeon would win a lot more votes if she delayed such talk until she has used her majority to drive through the hard, vital reforms in health, education and local government that Scotland needs to put it on a viable footing.

And in the meantime gave us some honest reasons and policies for, and consequenc­es of, independen­ce.

AllAN sUtHeRlAND, stonehaven, Kincardine­shire.

Too many MSPs

IN round figures, the population of the U.K. is 60 million while in Scotland it is five million, a ratio of 12:1.

Westminste­r has 600 MPs while Scotland is entitled to one-twelfth – 50 – yet actually has more.

Why, then, do we need 129 MSPs up here? What on earth do all these people do that could not be done by local councils as in the past?

C. MCGReGoR, via email.

 ??  ?? Split second: Nicola Sturgeon wants another referendum
Split second: Nicola Sturgeon wants another referendum

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