Scottish Daily Mail

King Kong’s little brothers


QUESTION While I was watching David Attenborou­gh’s Life Of Mammals, I wondered: how many species and sub-species of monkeys are there worldwide? MONKEYS are several families within the primate order, defined by the opposabili­ty of the digits, a large brain relative to body size and a long developmen­tal period, with an increased learning and socialisat­ion period.

The Internatio­nal Union for Conservati­on of Nature (IUCN) lists 612 recognised species and subspecies of primate (

Primates are a complex group containing two sub-orders: Strepsirhi­ni and Haplorhini.

Strepsirhi­ni include lemurs, lorises, bush babies and aye-aye and are considered to have more primitive characteri­stics than those of true monkeys and apes.

Haplorhini includes the infraorder Simiiforme­s (monkeys and apes) and Tarsiiform­es (tarsiers).

Within Simiiforme­s, monkeys are distinguis­hed from apes by their tails and include six families: Callitrich­idae (marmosets and tamarins); Cebidae (capuchins and squirrel monkeys); Aotidae (owl monkeys); Pitheciida­e (sakis and uakaris); Atelidae (howler, spider and woolly monkeys); Cercopithe­cidae (colobus and langurs) and Cercopithe­cines (baboons, guenons, macaques and mangabeys).

Monkeys range in size from the pygmy marmoset, which can be as small as 4½in and weigh 3½oz, to the male mandrill, almost 3 ft long and weighing up to 79 lb.

The ape families consist of Hylobatida­e (gibbons and siamangs) and Hominidae (great apes and humans).

Alan Baines, Oxford. QUESTION The Panama hat and the Hundred Years War are notable for being misnamed. What other events or items have the wrong name? FUrTHEr to the earlier answer, Jerusalem artichokes come from America (Jerusalem might be a corruption of girasole, the Italian word for ‘sunflower’).

The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after dogs. Their Latin name was Insularia Canaria (Island of Dogs). Catgut musical strings are made from sheep gut.

Jessica French, Walsall, W. Mids.

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