Scottish Daily Mail

We love our state boarding school


BROTHERS William and Alex Paine are thriving at the largest state boarding school in the country.

The 12 and 13-year-old attend Wymondham College in Norfolk, which has 650 boarders and a similar number of day pupils.

State boarding has often been described as education’s ‘ best kept secret’ as parents just pay for the cost of boarding, while the schooling is free.

There are 38 such schools across the country, with fees a fraction of the cost of private schooling — j ust under £10,000-a-year at Wymondham College.

With William and Alex’s father serving in the Armed Forces, it was important for the boys to have the stability of boarding.

Their mother, Nicky Paine, 44, from Norfolk, said: ‘We decided on boarding for the boys because we didn’t want any upheaval caused by us moving around and wanted some consistenc­y when they approached their secondary school years.

‘We considered a number of local schools in the area, Wymondham College had a great reputation so I arranged for a tour of the school and brought the children’s grandparen­ts with me.

‘We were immediatel­y impressed by the facilities and the opportunit­ies on offer, the boys love sport, so I was pleased to see they could develop an interest in different sports at the college.’

William, who is in Year Seven, said: ‘I love boarding, and I don’t think you get the full experience of the College without boarding as there is so much to do.

‘My friends are very important to me and we take part in loads of the Wymondham Life after-school clubs, especially indoor athletics, cricket and rugby 7s.’

Alex, who is in Year Nine, added: ‘The best thing for me about boarding is the family environmen­t, especially in the evenings and at weekends. I get to hang out with my friends.’

Wymondham College principal, Jonathan Taylor, said: ‘State boarding Schools such as Wymondham College provide extensive extra-curricular activities, have outstandin­g examinatio­n results and explicitly develop the whole child, ensuring students thrive.’

Sam McCafferty, 17, has enjoyed a wide range of extra-curricular activities since joining Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridg­e, West Midlands, in Year Seven.

His mother, Kate McCafferty, 50, a psychiatri­st, said: ‘ Old Swinford Hospital promotes and encourages responsibi­lity both within the boarding houses and the school.

‘The school produces polite, wellrounde­d, confident, and independen­t young men who are well prepared for life beyond school.’

State Boarding Schools Associatio­ wymondhamc­

 ??  ?? Sports mad: William and Alex Paine enjoy all the facilities at Wymondham
Sports mad: William and Alex Paine enjoy all the facilities at Wymondham

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