Scottish Daily Mail


How rank amateurism, jealousies and petty hatreds are tearing apart the rival ‘Out’ camps

- Andrew Pierce reporting

Home Secretary Theresa may tells anyone who will listen that the reason for her failure to curb immigratio­n is the free movement of people between the 28 eU member states. At the Tory conference in october, in one of her most powerful speeches, she warned that the dramatic increase in net migration — 330,000 last year — was a threat to ‘social cohesion’.

So many Tories hoped she would throw her usual caution to the wind and become figurehead of the Leave campaign in the referendum.

Their hopes rose after she was spotted having lunch several times with Liam Fox, the former Tory Defence Secretary, who is vociferous in wanting Britain to quit. A decisive interventi­on by mrs may would have electrifie­d the stuttering campaign, which is devoid of star quality or even a de facto leader.

But in a short statement, which delighted Downing Street, she has lamely hailed the watered-down package David Cameron presented this week as ‘the basis for a deal’.

The narrow, unambitiou­s and, in many ways, meaningles­s reforms the Prime minister is seeking should be a godsend to the out campaign. Yet without a persuasive and likeable leader leading a coherent effort, the argument to leave will founder.

So who else could rise to the challenge? Sajid Javid, the Business Secretary, who has flirted with Brexit, has frustrated his supporters by keeping his head below the parapet. Javid owes his rapid rise to Cabinet seniority, in only his second Parliament, to his mentor and friend George osborne, the Chancellor, a key figure in Cameron’s pro-eU team.

Boris Johnson dropped artful hints again yesterday when he said ‘there is still a lot more to do’ before the Cameron deal wins his support. He also refused to say if there was anything ‘positive’ in the proposals. But perhaps a more telling response comes from one of Johnson’s most trusted supporters, who told me yesterday. ‘He’s not going to [head the Leave campaign] as yet, but there are still people working on him.’

The prospect of a big Cabinet job from Cameron when he stands down as London mayor in may may be more tempting for Johnson than leading a principled Leave campaign in the first national referendum on europe since 1975.

Big-hitters such as Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and the Chancellor are also making it clear they will be unashamed cheerleade­rs for the ‘ Stay’ campaign. So far, alongside siren voices from the BBC, the Bank of england and business outfits such as the CBI, they have l eft the Leave campaign miles behind.

One of the main probl ems is t hat t he absence of a single big hitter calling for Britain to quit the eU is exacerbate­d by the growing schism in the fractured Leave camp. At present, several rival groups are clamouring for media attention and seeking to gain authority as the leading voice.

In an attempt to pull them into a united front, two multimilli­onaire businessme­n met for a discreet lunch recently at one of London’s most fashionabl­e private members’ clubs.

Although insurance tycoon and Ukip supporter Arron Banks and consumer goods entreprene­ur John mills (the Labour Party’s most generous donor) are from opposite sides of the political spectrum, they are the key figures campaignin­g to persuade the British people to vote to leave the eU.

Banks, a former Tory donor, is founder of the Leave.eU campaign group, while mills is the leading figure in Business For Britain — which is an offshoot of the other leading out group, Vote Leave. on the menu at the 5 Hertford Street Club in mayfair was a plan to bury their difference­s and work together.

Up for grabs in the next six weeks is the choice by the electoral Commission of whether Vote Leave or Leave.eU is the officially ‘desig- nated’ body to lead the campaign to quit the eU. The winner will be given the same amount of air-time as the rival In campaign, as well as an estimated £7 million from the public purse to deliver leaflets to 25 million homes. But on Tuesday, Vote Leave rejected the chance of j oining Leave. eU, dealing yet another blow to the out side.

For weeks Vote Leave, which concentrat­es on the economic case for leaving, has rejected overtures from Leave.eU, which is focusing on regaining control of our borders to limit immigratio­n.

A glance at Vote Leave’s operations grid from last month illustrate­s much that is wrong. Rather than concentrat­ing its fire on the Stay campaign, under the heading ‘enemy Activity’ the grid listed the launch of Grassroots out (Go) one of the 41 different groups that have sprung up to fight to leave the eU.

Is it any surprise that this motley bunch of mini- organisati­ons are struggling against the hugely powerful, unified and well-financed Britain Stronger In europe grouping. This is backed by former marks & Spencer boss Lord (Stuart) Rose, Lord (Peter) mandelson, former head of the Army Sir Peter Wall and ex-Prime ministers Sir John major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

Compare this well-oiled machine to the launch of Go in Kettering last month. even though almost 2,500 people turned up for speeches by Labour mP Kate Hoey, Liam Fox one of 35 Tory mPs backing Go, northern Ireland’s DUP mPs and Ukip leader nigel Farage, it hardly gained any TV or radio coverage.

And in the background, the Leave campaign’s civil war simmers.

Last week it was revealed there had been an attempted coup at Vote Leave — with a bid to oust the group’s two l eaders, campaign director Dominic Cummings (the volatile former adviser to Justice Secretary michael Gove) and chief executive matthew elliott.

There have been rancorous disagreeme­nts with legal letters sent to Vote Leave following unfounded allegation­s that some Leave.eU members are ‘racist and homophobic’.

The manoeuvrin­g continued yesterday with the announceme­nt that former Tory Chancellor Lord (nigel) Lawson was taking over as chairman of Vote Leave. Lord Forsyth, who was one of margaret Thatcher’s favourite ministers, is also joining the board. elliott and Cummings will relinquish their executive roles but continue to attend board meetings.

of course, the splits and apparent lack of leadership, are a gift for David Cameron.

no doubt, too, such anarchy has been a disincenti­ve for high-profile figure such as Boris Johnson, Sajid Javid, and Justice Secretary michael Gove to pluck up the courage to champion the Leave campaign.

For the campaign desperatel­y needs a figure of the stature of Gove. Friends say he wants to be seen as an ‘ honest and principled politician’ which suggests he might, possibly, back the Leave camp. But yesterday his friends were saying he still hadn’t ‘made his mind up’, even though Downing Street has been trying to bounce him by briefing that he is already signed up to Cameron’s pitiful package.

Until recently, two of the Leave campaign’s biggest hitters — Lord Lawson, 83, and the charasmati­c but ever- divisive nigel Farage — were at daggers drawn.

In october, Farage called Lawson a ‘snob’ for dismissing the importance of his own role as Ukip leader in the campaign. When Lawson was announced as head of Conservati­ves For Britain, who are campaignin­g for an out vote, he was dismissed as a ‘has-been’ by Leave.eU.

THeY have now buried the hatchet and will share a platform in a debate with the Stay side later this month. But still, leading Tories who want Britain out of the eU are increasing­ly frustrated by this rudderless campaign. Last week, Chris Grayling, the Leader of the Commons — who is expected to campaign to speak out irrespecti­ve of the damage it may inflict on his Cabinet career — attempted unsuccessf­ully to create yet another campaign group to try to bring unity to the out side.

There are two weeks to go before the crucial summit, which will be stage-managed, to show Cameron fighting through the night to secure the best deal for Britain.

The former PR man’s spin doctors will portray him emerging blearyeyed but triumphant to sell the idea of staying in the eU. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

So who are the rival Leave groups? predicted that £20 million will have to spent by the time voters go to the polls. elliptical­ly, he has said: ‘There are some big businesses, big business names that are with us, but they haven’t declared yet.’ BACKERS: Spread betting millionair­e tycoon and f ormer Ukip treasurer Stuart Wheeler. RUN BY: matthew elliott, a key figure in the referendum campaign to successful­ly reject plans to abandon the traditiona­l first-past-thepost electoral system in favour of the Alternativ­e Vote system. Also Dominic Cummings, a controvers­ial former ministeria­l adviser who was the architect of an embarrassi­ng stunt last november when anti-eU protesters used fake ID to get into a meeting being addressed by mr Cameron and heckled him before being removed.

Jon moynihan is one of the group’s most media-friendly faces. A regular

at Royal Ascot in top hat and tails, where he supports his wife, the New York milliner Patricia Underwood, he is a former executive chairman of PA Consulting, who once managed the catalogue of pop groups including The Who and T Rex before working for the War On Want charity in India. STAFF: 40.


HQ: A second-floor Bristol office belonging to tycoon Arron Banks. Its gaudy website has a crudely-designed spoof slogan copying BBC-TV’s The Great British Bake Off artwork and an unfunny cartoon of Cameron and an elephant. MONEY: Has spent £2.5 million in advertisin­g and leafleting tens of thousands of homes. It claims to have 400,000 supporters who have registered via Facebook, Twitter, or have been signed up by the 70-strong call centre staff. BACKERS: Arron Banks, a former Tory donor who switched to Ukip before the last election after being insulted as a ‘nobody’ by William Hague and has given Ukip £1 million. In turn, he’s insulted Ukip’s only MP, Douglas Carswell, calling him: ‘Borderline autistic with mental illness wrapped in.’

Other supporters: Toby Blackwell, whose family founded Blackwell Books, and Jim Mellon, a friend of Nigel Farage and whose wealth (made in investment in emerging markets, notably Russia) is estimated at £850 million. STAFF: A call centre manned by employees who already work for Arron Banks. A strategy team has been imported from the U.S. who have worked on more than 25 American referenda campaigns.


HQ: The business arm of Vote Leave and based in the same Westminste­r office. BACKERS: The main player is John Mills, 77, Labour’s biggest donor. Having founded the JML catalogue company, he donated £1.65 million to Labour in the form of shares in his company. His younger brother is married to Tessa Jowell, former Labour Cabinet minister. LOW POINT: Mocked for its first publicatio­n, Change Or Go, which ran to an impenetrab­le 1,030 pages.


BACKERS: Led by Lord (Nigel) Lawson who, despite his strong anti-EU views is seen as too much associated with an older generation to galvanise the campaign. Critics cruelly reminded him that he backed Britain’s entry into the doomed Exchange Rate Mechanism (intended as a precursor to the Euro single currency) in 1990.

Two years later, on Black Wednesday, Britain was forced into a humiliatin­g withdrawal from the system. The debacle cost the Tories their reputation for economic competence for a generation. Lord Lamont, who was Chancellor at the time, and around 100 other Tory MPs are backing the group which also has office space with Vote Leave.

Daniel Hannan, the articulate Tory MEP, is one of its most persuasive supporters.


HQ: Run from the constituen­cy office of Peter Bone, Tory MP for Wellingbor­ough. A major rally is planned in Manchester tomorrow. Backed by Leave.EU after Vote.Leave refused to support it. BACKERS: Cross-party support from Labour MP Kate Hoey, Tory MP Tom Pursglove, aged 27, and 34 other Tory MPs, Nigel Farage and the Democratic Unioninst Party in Ulster.


BACKERS: Several Labour MPs. AIM: ‘We believe that the debate about our country’s future in the EU has been dormant within the Labour Party for too long. We need to have a full dialogue within our membership and with our natural supporters.’

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