Scottish Daily Mail

Foiled... by seat of raid hero’s pants


A VIOLENT robber caught after a shopworker sat on him has been jailed for five years and three months.

Michael kane, 27, had tried to flee after a raid on a subway sandwich shop but was stopped by karanvir Johal, who then shouted for passers-by to call the police.

A judge at High Court in Edinburgh praised the actions of the subway worker as he jailed kane for the robbery bid at the premises in the city’s Leith Walk, as well as armed raids at two city newsagents.

Lord Burns said Mr Johal was to be ‘commended for his bravery in apprehendi­ng you and restrainin­g you until the arrival of the police’.

Unemployed and homeless, kane earlier admitted the november 29 subway offence and robberies at First news in Gorgie road on september 7 and dalry newsagents in dalry road on november 27.

Lord Burns told him he would have faced a seven-year sentence but for his guilty pleas. He said kane should be under supervisio­n for a further three years, adding: ‘ These three offences to which you pled guilty are troubling because of the circumstan­ces under which they were committed, namely when you were plainly under the influence of illicit substance.’

kane, who has an extensive criminal record, wounded Hassan Feroze, 26, with a knife during the raid at First news.

The thug pulled the till – which contained around £1,000 – from the counter and fled with it. in the dalry newsagents raid he grabbed around £150 from a till after assaulting Umme Munni, 39, and threatenin­g her with a knife.

defence counsel susan duff said kane particular­ly regretted the physical violence perpetrate­d against victims.

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