Scottish Daily Mail

Business fears hard Labour By RUTH SUNDERLAND

- Associate City Editor

IT WAS brazen of Ed Miliband to run an ad in yesterday’s Financial Times using quotes from business leaders in a way that gave the impression the bosses were lined up behind Labour.

Chief executives are not generally inclined to take sides in elections for fear of reprisals. They tend to keep quiet and try to work with whoever is in power – which is not to say they do not have views.

One of those views is that a Brexit, or British exit from the European Union, would be an unmitigate­d disaster for business and the UK economy.

American and European banks based in London are terrified that a Brexit would put the City’s status as a financial centre at risk, and exporters are scared at the prospect of having to hammer out a new set of trade agreements.

Hence Labour’s biggest selling point, in the eyes of business, is that there will be no referendum on leaving the EU. Regardless of whether they are right about the horrors of a Brexit – and it’s worth recalling that the business leaders of the day clamoured for the UK to join the euro, so they might not be – the question is whether this is enough to swing business support behind Miliband.

There are some things in the Labour manifesto for business that will appeal, such as an independen­t infrastruc­ture commission (rebuilding the country’s fabric is too important to be left to politician­s) and measures to tackle skills shortages.

But business is rattled by Miliband’s interventi­onist tendencies.

Proposals to break up the banks and to seize land from property companies have created alarm.

Political uncertaint­y is so acute in the energy sector that there has been nowhere near enough investment, and if there is a particular­ly bad winter in the next couple of years we risk the lights going out.

Many in business simply do not trust Miliband and Balls to run the economy. Those old enough to remember the 1970s, such as Lord Bamford and Unipart boss John Neill, worry about a return to industrial strife.

Most business l eaders are instinctiv­ely Conservati­ve, but many feel it is case of a plague on both your houses: as one put it, the Tories hate Europe and Labour hates business.

Breaking the curse

WHAT is it about being nominated for – or worse, actually winning – a top business award that makes the prize a prelude to disaster?

The latest potential victim is Alliance Trust chief executive Katherine Garrett- Cox, who has been shortliste­d for the Veuve Clicquot businesswo­man of the year award.

She was put forward, presumably, before the attack on her leadership by hedge fund Elliott was public knowledge. Last year, Harriet Green took the laurels, but lost her job as chief executive of Thomas Cook soon afterwards in a blaze of publicity about her gym regime and assorted personalit­y quirks.

Long before the ‘curse of Veuve Clicquot’ there used to be the ‘curse of the CBI’.

A string of former presidents, including captains of industry Lord Marshall of British Airways, Sir Clive Thompson of Rentokil, Sir Iain Vallance of BT and Sir John Sunderland of Cadbury, all suffered setbacks after taking the chair at the bosses’ organisati­on.

Is it possible these ‘curses’ are more than mere coincidenc­e?

Perhaps the people who are stricken have reached the stage of their careers where they do more canapé-nibbling and shoulderru­bbing than actual work.

Perhaps they believe their own propaganda a bit too much.

At any rate, the CBI curse has not afflicted Sir Mike Rake, the current president, or the departing director general John Cridland.

Deputy DG Katja Hall, who is tipped to take over, sounds far too astute to succumb.

Net a fortune

A CONFESSION. When Net-a-Porter, a website selling high-priced designer clothes, was founded 15 years ago by former fashion journalist Natalie Massenet, I thought it would never work.

Who on earth would buy an Erdem tweed and guipure lace midi skirt costing £2,185, or shell out £4,450 for some Delpozo paillette- embellishe­d hemp and silk blend canvas shorts, without even trying them on? Quite a lot of people, it transpires.

Net-a-Porter not only expanded during the boom years of the noughties, it has also ridden out the financial crisis; thanks to QE and emerging markets, millionair­es’ WAGs have just as much cash to fritter as they ever did.

The business was sold to luxury goods group Richemont in 2010 and is now eyeing a merger with Italian web retailer Yoox.

To most people on planet Earth, the offerings sound like the sort of thing Eddy would covet in an episode of Absolutely Fabulous.

But with her personal payout reported to be more than ¤100m, it is Massenet who is having the last laugh.

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