Scottish Daily Mail

Greeted by cheers and applause, the Left’s words of bile and malice



‘I was up in Liverpool a fortnight ago where Alec McFadden, one of our organisers, launched the Sack Esther McVey Day on her birthday. I spoke at a packed public meeting, it was absolutely packed but there was a whole group in the audience that completely kicked off quite critical of the whole concept because they were arguing, “Why are sacking her, why aren’t we lynching the bastard?”’ ‘Tony [Benn] always said how you can use a ballot box to change the world. But there’s [another] way too, which in the old days we called insurrecti­on, now we call it direct action. It’s when the Government don’t do as you want, you get in the streets or you occupy and you take direct action against them.’ ‘Electorall­y, let’s just learn the lessons from Tony Benn, electorall­y let’s be absolutely clear, in this election in May coming up we’ve got to get these b******s out. We’ve got to destroy this Government. We cannot cope with the re-election of a Tory Government in whatever coalition form it is, because our society cannot cope with it. That’s why for those people who are talking about not voting or not mobilising, to be frank that’s a combinatio­n of derelictio­n of duty and cowardice.’


‘We need a new politics. We need radical change, we’re moving towards a next general election where no one’s got any ******* hope at all. Any decent person would want to vote Labour, any decent person would, but they’re in ******* bits. Ed Miliband said they’re going to [put] 25p on the minimum wage... we’ve got every single politician standing up and talking about affordable housing. It’s the biggest bunch of s*** ever.’ ‘Today is 100 years [since the start of the First World War], this is what they’re celebratin­g with a river of blood coming out of the Tower of London from the royals, from the monarch, and they’re all there today. And Tony Blair’s there today, Tony Blair, that’s the Labour Party’s gift to the world.’


‘I’m not a fan of the Royal Family, they are a bunch of parasites. Lovely Katie is having a new baby, she’s opted for a home birth, she’s got so many to choose from… There are royalists in [the audience], I can feel the anger. “Leave them alone”. No, kill ’em.’

 ??  ?? Left turns: A poster for the event
Left turns: A poster for the event

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