Scottish Daily Mail

Now taxman can take £17k straight from your salary

Revenue’s power grab denounced as a ‘new high in state intrusion’

- By Louise Eccles Business Correspond­ent

THE taxman has been accused of trying to become ‘all-powerful’ after vastly increasing the amount that can be taken from salaries.

HM Revenue & Customs will be able to take up to £17,000 from pay packets – compared to the current limit of £3,000.

From April tax codes will be altered for those believed to have underpaid income tax, capital gains tax or National Insurance contributi­ons.

The latest power grab follows outrage over proposals by the Treasury to raid bank accounts for unpaid taxes without gaining per- mission from the courts. Such measures have been called ‘draconian and regressive’ by industry bodies, while others have accused HMRC of acting as ‘judge, jury and executione­r’.

Yesterday Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the Associat i on of Chartered Certified Accountant­s, said: ‘This is another creeping of HMRC’s powers, which are skewed in favour of themselves and away from the taxpayers. HMRC is becoming a more confrontat­ional and all-powerful organisati­on.’

HMRC, headed by Lin Homer, has had the power to seize cash wages since 1944 and the taxman insists any money taken would be spread out over 12 monthly instalment­s.

But accountanc­y firm Kingston Smith said raising the cap could be seen as ‘a new high in the intrusion of the state into private affairs’.

Tax partner Tim Stovold said: ‘These so far overlooked new rules are a continuati­on of powers being given to HMRC to collect amounts owing to them and will come as a nasty surprise to many.’

George Osborne has announced a raft of measures to reclaim tax in

‘A nasty surprise

to many’

recent months, which will generate billions of pounds for the taxman.

The Government recently consulted on the controvers­ial ‘direct recovery of debts’, which would enable unpaid tax to be recovered from bank and building society accounts without going through the courts.

Officials want to be able to take funds directly from current accounts, joint accounts or ISAs. They will focus on debtors who owe at least £1,000 and who have been contacted at least four times by HMRC.

In addition, from next month, the Government’s ‘accelerate­d payment’ rules will be implemente­d – forcing businesses and individual­s to pay disputed tax up front before their cases are heard in court.

The Government is consulting on whether these rules should include those thought to be using schemes to avoid inheritanc­e tax.

HMRC said the Government held a full consultati­on on the changes in 2013 and the higher cap would come into effect in April.

The l i mit would be earningsre­lated and gradually increase from £3,000, depending on salary. This will remain at £3,000 for those earning less than £30,000, but rise to £17,000 for those on more than £90,000.

An HMRC spokesman said: ‘Taxpayers welcome the option to have tax debt collected by instalment­s.

‘This is a long-standing feature of the payroll system and the increase in the threshold will allow more tax debts to be paid in this way.’

 ??  ?? Bid: HMRC chief executive Lin Homer
Bid: HMRC chief executive Lin Homer

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