Scottish Daily Mail



1. What kind of eggs did Joey make for Chandler in Friends? A. ‘With the soldiers for dipping.’ B. ‘With the bread with the hole in the middle.’ C. ‘In a sandwich with the ketchup.’ 2. Which of the following films featured a Faberge egg in a supporting role? A. Ocean’s Thirteen. B. Octopussy. C. To Catch A Thief 3. Which of the following egg-related incidents impacted on national TV in 2004? A. Edwina Currie (right) was eliminated from Hell’s Kitchen after ‘accidental­ly’ pouring her souffle mixture down the front of Gordon Ramsay’s trousers. B. Patrick Moore missed presenting The Sky At Night for the first time in 47 years after a duck’s egg gave him salmonella food poisoning. C. Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott featured on the news punching a Welsh farm worker who had thrown an egg at him. 4. In Jurassic Park, what hatched from the egg? A. B. A A diplodocus. T-Rex. C. A velocirapt­or. 5. Which of the following teams hasn’t emerged victorious on Eggheads? A. The Bald & The Beautiful. B. The Bere Heads. C. The Dyslexic Old Frats. 6. Who played Egghead in the original Batman series? A. B. Vincent Yul Brynner. Price. C. Telly Savalas. 7. If you wanted to see an egg from Aliens, where would you have to visit? A. Charlie Sheen’s bathroom. B. The Smithsonia­n Institute. C. The Internatio­nal Space Station. 8. What is the first line of the Frasier theme song Tossed Salads And Scrambled Eggs? A. ‘Hey baby I hear your tummy rumblin’, tossed salads and scrambled eggs.’ B. ‘Hey baby I hear the blues a-callin’, tossed salads and scrambled eggs.’ C. ‘Hey baby I see a crazy comin’, tossed salads and scrambled eggs.’ 9. What did Margaret Thatcher (right) reveal as her favourite egg dish during a BBC interview with Russell Harty in 1987? A. Scramblers with a tossed salad. B. Soft-boiled eggs and toast soldiers. C. Poached eggs on Marmite toast. 10. What kind of eggs survived a burning inferno along with Khaleesi in Game Of Thrones? A. Chocolate eggs. B. Dinosaur eggs. C. Dragon eggs. 11. In The Dustbinmen, what name did Cheese and Egg, Smellie Ibbotson and Heavy Breathing give their dustcart? A. Apollo 13. B. Thunderbir­d 3. C. Delilah.

12. The Egg Council Guy character in The Simpsons alerted Homer to a secret organisati­on called what? A. The Stonecutte­rs. B. The Shrineshin­ers. C. The Donutters. 13. Which Big Breakfast presenter did Mail diarist Nigel Dempster claim looked like a boiled egg and was extraneous to the human race? A. Johnny Vaughan. B. Tamara Beckwith. C. Denise Van Outen. 14. How did watching 30 minutes of TV a day affect battery chickens, according to scientists from The Roslin Institute? A. It made them more rounded, less self-conscious and lay larger eggs. B. They put on weight and slept a lot. C. They became aggressive, especially after cookery shows. 15. Which TV show had a Grammynomi­nated soundtrack album involving eggs and peppers? A. The Sopranos. B. The Wire. C. Breaking Bad.

16. On which show did Terry Wogan try to separate an egg yolk from the white with a bottle? A. Tommy Cooper’s Easter Special. B. Don’t Just Sit There. C. Duck Quacks Don’t Echo. 17. Which Great Egg Race presenter also appeared in It’s A Knockout, Doctor Who and Doctors? A. Brian Cant. B. Lesley Judd. C. Johnny Ball. 18. What egg-related methodolog­y did Heath Ledger (right) reserve for paparazzi? A. He threw eggs at them. B. He stuffed eggs up their exhausts. C. He set up an omelette station and made them breakfast.

19. In This Life, what was Egg’s full name? A. Martin Boyle. B. Evan Fry. C. Edgar Cooke. 20. What was the alternativ­e title for Doris Day’s final film With Six You Get Eggroll? A. There’s A Man In Mommy’s Bed. B. Something’s Gotta Give. C. Pyjamas For Two.

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