Scottish Daily Mail

We shouldn’t be obsessed with blame

- BEL answers readers’ questions on emotional and relationsh­ip problems each week. Write to Bel Mooney, Scottish Daily Mail, 20 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6DB, or e-mail A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Bel reads all letter

INEVITABLY I make a mistake from time to time, otherwise I’d be infallible, wouldn’t I? Cue Mr P.M. Buckley: ‘Regarding your typically biased reply (February 16) on men breaking up the marital home, a very simple internet trawl would show that women instigate more than twice (2.34 times) as many marital break-ups. Still, when has the truth ever mattered to misandrist ‘journalist­s’ such as you?’ My first response was to shrug that the guy obviously does not read this column regularly, otherwise he couldn’t possibly think me anti-men. Not at all. I love men and often take up the cudgels on their behalf. Then came this, far more measured, note from Mr D. Anderson: ‘You wrote, “So yes, the men (and it is they who break up homes in the majority of cases ) . . . ” This is actually incorrect insofar as women file for the majority of divorces (around two-thirds of the time . . . ). I just wanted to correct your generalisa­tion, which is plainly feminist propaganda. I enjoy your advice page, so hope you will take the time to look at the actual current reality.’ So I did look — and I do apologise. My original comment was actually taken from an article about Chris Huhne’s son’s bitter estrangeme­nt from his father. What I had in mind — and what is certainly the generalise­d overview of this column — is that even if the woman has instigated the divorce, it tends to be in response to her husband’s affair/coldness/bad-temper/ alcoholism/porn addiction. So if a man has gone off with his lover or had a series of affairs, and the wife files for divorce — who instigates the split? Statistica­lly, yes, the wife. Who broke the marriage? The husband. But does it make that much difference? Only if you have a narrow, gender-biased view. My important point was that, whoever was at fault, parents must protect the children from their hatred and hurt. Please let’s focus on that.

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