Rutherglen Reformer



The Tai Chi Wellness Center has been running clinics since 2004 in Scotland, we have been providing our services to Scottish people for 14 years with great success. Most common problems that we can treat are:

Physical problems

Various types of arthritis; wear and tear symptoms; Sciatic; Lower back pain; Disc problem; Neck and shoulder pain; trapped nerve; Frozen shoulder; Tennis Elbow; Achilles tendinitis; Foot pain; Nerve pain; Nerve damage; Fibromyalg­ia; Sports Injury;

General problem

Migraine; Postoperat­ive sequela; MS; ME; Stroke; anti-Stress; Anxiety; Depression; Menopausal syndrome; Diabetes syndrome; Acne; Eczema; Psoriasis; suffered from severe shoulder’s pain for a while. was so painful to use my shoulder that had to stop the heavy liftings at the work and got assigned some easier job. I tried physio, massage, and other acupunctur­ists but none of them really helped. Up until I decided to try Dr Yu’s clinic, I was in so much pain all the time. Dr Yu cured my joints pain completely. After a couple of sessions I found my shoulder started to feel easier. Then I told them I also had sore knees and they said they could treat them for me at the same time. After eight sessions all my joints feel almost 100%! One day I just told them always felt tired and asked for their advice. They said with all the previous treatments for my joints, it would be easy now to work on my energy. And they are absolutely right! After only two sessions and herbal remedies, feeling so much better! That’s the best money ever spent! And thank you so much!”

Dr Yu’s note: Sore joints and poor energy, many people suffer from both but never thought they might be linked. They can come from the same root cause and there are several disease patterns in Chinese medicine that can cause both of these conditions at the same time. We’ll use tongue readings today and you can check your own tongue and give yourself a Chinese medical diagnosis.

dampness blocking the channels of circulatio­n can cause stiff and sore joints and the person feels heavy and tired, more in the morning. The tongue would look swollen and sometimes you can see teeth marks around the tongue and the coating is heavy. By clearing the dampness both pain and energy can get better.

blood stagnation blocking the channels can cause sharp pain and tiredness, more tired in the afternoon and evening. The tongue would look dark red and there may be dark spots at the edge.

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