Rutherglen Reformer

If we all give a little then it can add up to a real difference


introducti­on and roll out of Universal Credit, which has led to many recipients having to wait more than six weeks before payments are made.

I know very few people from any group in society that would have enough savings to keep going for that length of time with no income.

The latest news that 30,000 disabled people could lose their entitlemen­t to non-meansteste­d benefits, with those worst affected losing benefits of more than £7,000 if disallowed for PIP, is devastatin­g and will only increase the number of people who will face even further hardship, through no fault of their own.

Between April and June of this year councils had received 42,005 applicatio­ns for crisis grants from the Scottish Welfare Fund, and families with children account for more than a third of those applicatio­ns.

As we approach winter and the festive season, this will bring more unbearable challenges to many families. The need for warm clothing to combat the severe weather and increases in heating and lighting costs will see many resorting to food banks simply to survive.

Food banks are already supplying shortterm energy meter tokens for families who are unable to take food which needs to be heated as they cannot afford both.

It is hard to imagine the mental anguish of parents who can’t afford to provide even the simplest of pleasures for their children, and meanwhile society every day churns out adverts which show a lifestyle few will ever enjoy.

But we can all help ease the pain for many of these families. Food banks will gladly accept donations of a whole range of consumer items, and if everyone adds a couple of products to our weekly shops, it soon mounts up and makes a very real difference.

Many food banks are also accepting toy donations and local faith organisati­ons will also accept toys and games, as will the Salvation Army and Goodwill as well as shelters, day care centers, hospitals and children’s homes.

Our police and fire services, and a whole range of charity shops, also accept clothing donations.

Everyone in society benefits from all of us taking care of each other, and most of us have needed a helping hand at some time in our lives.

What better way to repay those who have helped us than by offering support to others in their own time of need?

We can all help ease the pain for many families, it soon mounts up and makes a very real difference . . .

 ??  ?? Concerns Councillor John Ross
Concerns Councillor John Ross

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