Rutherglen Reformer

Ref unmoved by Spiders appeals

MacPherson’s men baffled by decisions


The referee took centre stage in Queen’s Park’s 0- 0 draw with Peterhead after denying the Spiders two penalties.

First, a Fiacre Kelleher tackle on John Carter midway through the second half went unpunished and with just five minutes remaining, Carter was felled by Simon Ferry.

This time Nick Walsh sent off the Peterhead man before giving a free-kick an inch outside of the box.

Spiders manager Gus MacPherson said: “There is only one person who can explain those decisions. It is very difficult standing at the track-side to get a clear view of it.

“It’s obviously going to be a very tight call, some go for you and some don’t. But at that period of the game we looked threatenin­g and we were causing Peterhead problems.”

David Galt was back in the squad after his absence in recent weeks, but the surprise news was midfielder Darren Miller going on loan to Clyde.

Gus MacPherson was happy to make just the one change, with Aiden Malone a straight replacemen­t for Dario Zanatta who was still on internatio­nal duty with Canada.

A tame Noble free-kick and Sean Burns’ goalward shot, which hit teammate Malone, were the only talking points of the first half.

But a minute after the interval the lively Brady won a corner on the right. Fans were on their feet as Malone rose to head Burns’ kick just over, but the ref had blown for a foul.

Queen’s made their first change in 57 minutes, striker for striker, as Carter took over Malone’s lone role.

Walsh was then the centre of attention when he waved away penalty claims from Queen’s. Kelleher misjudged a high ball and Carter darted behind him into the box only to be taken down from behind by the big defender’s despairing tackle as he prepared to shoot. Walsh waved away the appeals.

Peterhead almost broke the deadlock two minutes later. They had been getting some joy down the right with full-back Stevenson, and when his cross came in McIntosh backheeled it and it took Willie Muir at full stretch to prevent a goal.

Carter was then decked at the other end when he went through on goal in 84 minutes. Ferry was red-carded but Walsh gave the foul on the edge of the box.

Cummins and Noble were then booked for a difference of opinion and McKernon drove the free-kick against the wall.

Gus MacPherson’s men turn their attention to East Fife this weekend. The Fifers were second from bottom before they played Alloa last night (Tuesday) where the Spiders’ boss was expected to attend to check out Saturday’s opponents.

He said: “We know how good East Fife are from recent seasons and how tough it will be. They have experience within their group but first and foremost, we have to compete against them.”

 ??  ?? Tumble Queen’s striker John Carter goes down against Peterhead
Tumble Queen’s striker John Carter goes down against Peterhead
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