Rutherglen Reformer

Party eyes with pizzazz


“tis the season to be jolly… and glamorous … and sassy.

The problem is that sometimes people mistakenly think that having a strong party look means looking like an extra from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

I personally think there is a very thin line between gorgeous, strong party make up and looking like a drag queen.

Drag queens look amazing in their own right but you can create a great strong look while keeping it feminine and classy.

And the fascinatio­n for face contouring? Only contour your face within an inch of its life if you’re in a profession­al photograph­ic studio.

Otherwise, a soft wearable powder contour works perfectly and keeps you looking feminine. You don’t have to paint stripes all over your face, I promise!

OK, with that out of my system it’s time to talk party eyes with pizzazz.

I recently created a fabulous party look for a client. We loved it and you can do your own version for a big night out if you really want to stand out from the crowd.

My client loves really strong eyes so I try to think up new ideas for her when she comes to the studio.

On this occasion she was wearing a bright lime green dress so we didn’t want anything too dark for shadow.

I used a strong turquoise shadow in the crease and corners of her eyes, teamed up with a dark navy liner.

But what really made this look different was, that after I applied a strong flicked gel liner, I used gem stones and applied them about 1/2 a pinky width apart right along the entire gel liner, inner corner to outer flick.

I also used strip lashes so that when she looked down it actually looked like little studs.

Her eyes didn’t have the sparkly look you’d expect, more like the little silver studs you’d find on your handbag. It was very cool. So get glamorisin­g those eyes this party season, you never know whose glance you might catch underneath the mistletoe.

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 ??  ?? Party peepers Glamorise your eyes with sparkle or even studs
Party peepers Glamorise your eyes with sparkle or even studs

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