Rossendale Free Press



I BELIEVE it will soon be 100 years since the Battle of the Somme. I wondered if you would be interested in publishing a poem I wrote entitled ‘The Piper’ in memory of all who died.

I live in Crawshawbo­oth, Rossendale and read the Free Press every week. Thank you. The Piper

This stench filled trench I now call home,

When once lush, green fields of yore

Were home and hearth, and love and life.

Not death and filth and gore.

As once before, in Hamelin, The Piper plays his tune, And the trail of khaki following

Becomes endless much too soon.

The Piper leads a fearsome dance,

A fearsome, deadly dance.

Hither and thither across the fields.

These blood soaked fields of France.

I see his parti-coloured raiment.

I hear his pipe’s wistful call. And so I too must follow, In ‘No Man’s Land’ to fall. Georgina Lord via website


I HAVE just taken part for the first time in the Relay for Life and it was amazing.

Last year at the age of 57 I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer and when I bumped into my infant school mate Jacqui Kemp (committee chair) in Bank Street earlier this year I registered as a Survivor.

My two sisters, Sue and Julie who had helped me through all my treatment, then took up the challenge and formed a team ‘Hell n ●● Graham Whitehead of Loveclough said ‘I visited France in May this year. Lochnagar was where the battle of the Somme began on the first of July 1916’. Email your pictures to freepressn­ or upload them to rossendale­pics Back’ with Sue organising and leading as captain and Julie rallying the troops.

It was without doubt one of the most amazing weekends of my life.

I’m not sure that I can put it into words but I will try.

The organisati­on was brilliant, Jacqui and her team were just awesome and everyone knew what they were doing and when. Every aspect was taken care of right down to the brew making facilities throughout the night - and we certainly needed those.

The event was large enough to feel very profession­al yet the feeling of a large family resonated throughout.

I didn’t sleep a wink throughout the 24 hours.

Friends and family came and gave what time they possibly could and everyone played their part - some thought that they hadn’t done much but it would have been so much harder if just one of them hadn’t made the effort that they did.

From the ones who set up camp, walked the most laps, brought water, made beautiful cake, donated and cheered us up when we were flagging.

It is just a year since I started my chemothera­py and was the perfect end to a year of fear and uncertaint­y and sort of symbolised the uphill struggle of the last 12 months and how each person played their part in my recovery.

I feel that I can now draw a line under that part of my life and move on.

The 24-hour relay is to signify that cancer never sleeps but it showed me something far more important and that is; that you can’t do it all on your own, each of us has the ability to make a difference and that together we are stronger.

To Jacqui and her team, I send my grateful thanks for a most unusual and life affirming weekend and to my captain Sue and our team you have my love and life long thanks Helen Cooper via email


AS members of the outreach team for Civic Pride, Rossendale, we recently had the privilege of being invited to Alder Grange School, to work with students from years 7, 8 and 9.

The students in year 9 have been involved in voluntary litter picking around the school area over the last year and have certainly made an impact there.

Often students are criticised for making a mess, but this dedicated group, along with their coordinato­r Mr Goode have shown a commitment to improving the local environmen­t for us all.

We would like to thank Alder Grange for their input and the welcome we received when we went into the school to do the assemblies.

Excellent behaviour, good manners and attention to our presentati­on was exemplary, making this a rewarding experience for us both.

If any other organisati­ons, both adult and children or schools would like to discuss how we can work with them, please contact Civic Pride. Sue and Barry Flint Rawtenstal­l Civic Pride


I AM writing to you in the hope a lady I shared a table with at Valerie’s café in Bury Market on Friday, June 24 between 12.30 and 1pm will contact me.

The café was very busy and I asked could I sit at her table.

We got talking and ended up discussing the recent decision to leave the EU.

I then went on to say I’d worked in the NHS for 46 years and my name was Janine and I lived near Chester and had been offered a job at the Royal Blackburn Hospital earlier on in the year.

I think she said her name was Dorothy, but, I’m not sure, but she did say she had two sons and lived in Haslingden.

It was a lovely 20 minute conversati­on and when we left I didn’t think to leave my contact details, should she like to meet again for a coffee sometime.

May I hope by reading this letter she may recognise me and perhaps consider contacting me.

She was a lovely person and very interestin­g to talk to. My contact details are tel: 07967 486270 / email janinehigg­ins03@gmail. com Janine Higgins Address supplied LAST week the people of the UK spoke loud and clear and voted to leave the European Union.

I am pleased that Rossendale played its part in this momentous decision with a record turnout of 72.4 per cent and a majority supporting the decision to leave.

Although I personally supported remain, I fully respect the decision of the people and will support the view taken by the majority of the country and the majority of residents here in the Valley.

We are now entering a new era in British politics, many things are going to change over the next six months and it is vital that the everyone in Rossendale and indeed our country works together to reach a consensus on how best to proceed as a free and independen­t Britain.

I would also like to pay tribute to Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Over the last six years he has helped to lead our country out of the mess that it was left in by Labour, he has made our country a fairer and better place and it was his bravery and commitment that gave this country the first referendum on the European Union for 43 years.

Even though we are now starting down the path to leave, I believe that Britain will survive and indeed prosper and grow outside the European Union.

As your Member of Parliament I will do my best to make sure that this is what happens and I will continue to be a strong voice down at Westminste­r for everyone here in the Rossendale Valley.

As the MP for Rossendale and Darwen, I represent around 90,000 people across East Lancashire.

If you ever need my help or want to let me know about a local issue please get in touch with me either by phoning 01706 215547 or email me at

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