Rochdale Observer



THANK you to everyone who arrived on time for the start of the new term; it was lovely to see so many smiling faces - as always - at the school gate on day one! We are delighted to welcome 15 new families to our school community. New families will find that our community is warm, welcoming and inclusive.

We welcome the following members of staff into our School Community.

Ms Begum - Year 3 Teacher

Ms Ashraf – Year 5 Teacher

Ms Taylor - EYFS Teaching Assistant

Exciting Times for the Hamer Curriculum

Throughout last year and over the summer, our dedicated and dynamic teaching team have been working hard to make our curriculum even more exciting. We have lots of new texts to plan around and new elements to our skills curriculum. Maths Passports These will be coming home again over the next couple of weeks and we, as always, welcome support from home. It is vital that children gain fluency in their number facts if they are to unlock and take off in other areas of the Maths curriculum.

To avoid instances of head lice at Hamer, we would like to ask that all children with long hair have their hair either tied back or plaited. Also, hair decoration for girls should be limited to a simple, plain Alice Band – nothing bejewelled, enormous or floral please! Thank you.

Contact Details/ Emergency Contacts

It is vital that we always have up-to-date emergency contact details for every child. If mobile number, landline or address changes it is the parent’s responsibi­lity to inform the school office as soon as possible. In addition, please ensure that all telephone numbers given are ones that will be answered when rung. Thank you for ensuring we have the necessary details so that we are able to effectivel­y communicat­e with you during the school day if this is necessary. Contact forms will be coming home shortly. Please return them to school as soon as possible. Reminders - Punctualit­y is essential. Children must be inside their classrooms at 8.50am.

- Breakfast club children may arrive from 8.15am – no earlier.

- Children must be collected at 3.15pm – school cannot look after children later than this.

- Uniform. The children are looking very smart; to ensure high standards in line with the expectatio­ns set out on the website and Parents’ Handbook.

- Parking. The disabled parking spaces are strictly for blue badge holders only and these must be clearly on display. These bays are not to be used to drop children off at school. Thank you. School Dinners These are now free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. The price for all other children in school is £10 per week. Please pay this on a Monday - if possible - in your child’s classroom. Year 4 Swimming The children in Year 4 will start their statutory swimming curriculum after the February half-term. All children will be taught this basic life skill through lessons at Rochdale Swimming Baths. This time around, the children are going to have an hour-long session instead of the usual 30 minutes to help with a more structured time in the water for the children.

Celebratio­n/Class Assemblies

Celebratio­n assemblies for ‘Star of the Week’, ‘Citizens of the Week’, Attendance Awards and other successes started Friday, September 11, at 9.10am. In addition, Thursday class assemblies started on Thursday, September 10. It was brilliant to see so many parents every week during the last academic year and look forward to the support again this year. Remember – parents are welcome to any of these assemblies, even if their child is not involved.

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