Rochdale Observer



SUNDAY services at the two churches are:

St. Chad’s 8am, Holy Communion and 11am Parish Communion with baptism.

St. Mary’s 9.30am, All Age Eucharist.

Heritage Open Days continues this weekend. Both town centre churches – St. Chad’s the Parish Church and St. Mary in the Baum - will welcome drop-in visitors Saturday and Sunday.

The Parish Church is open Saturday noon to 4pm, and Sunday, 1-4pm.

St. Mary in the Baum is open Saturday 10am to 4pm and Sunday 11am to 3pm.

The Parish Church will have the annual service for the town’s veteran paratroope­rs to remember fallen comrades on the anniversar­y of the 1944 airborne Battle of Arnhem, on Sunday at 1.30pm.

St. Mary in the Baum have the midweek service of Holy Communion on Wednesday at 10am.

This week’s Wednesday Toad Lane Concert at St. Mary’s will feature the Swan Chamber Players in recital 12.30-1.30pm.

Both churches’ Parochial Church Councils will meet this month, St. Mary’s next Monday evening, and St. Chad’s on Monday, September 21.

Saturday, September 19, will be the Benefice Outing to Liverpool, with Evensong at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. The Bishop of Liverpool will preach at the service.

St. Chad’s resumes the series of Saturday Lunchtime Concerts next Saturday, September 19, with a concert by young internatio­nal cellist Joseph Donmall. Further concerts are planned for October.

Rochdale churches will celebrate Creation and look at what faith communitie­s can do towards looking after the planet and the world’s people at a conference at St. Chad’s on Saturday morning, September 26. How can churches, mosques and other faith groups help? “Hear stories of hope, and get inspired,” says the invitation.

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