Practical Boat Owner

Considerin­g refillable gas bottles


QAre refillable gas bottles safe for marine use? I have 904 Campingaz-type cylinders on my Feeling 32 and started looking at other options due to the cost of replacing them.

My daughter has recently completed a camper van conversion and she has gone for refillable cylinders. Price-wise the cost of filling a refillable cylinder is around £3-4 for a 904-sized cylinder, which is a considerab­le saving, although you do have to pay a significan­t outlay for the cylinder initially.

Although the cost saving is attractive, safety comes first, as does the availabili­ty of the LPG to refill the bottle. Are any of your experts able to confirm if refillable cylinders –such as those from Gaslow –are safe for marine use? Pete Morley

Graham Forbes, business & technical manager at the Boat Safety Scheme replies:

Boaters should not attempt to refill LPG cylinders intended for factory replenishm­ent–to do so is unlawful and can be highly dangerous.

However, there are specialist refillable cylinders sold by companies designed to be filled at service stations which include automatic overfill protection on the valve. This automatica­lly stops the filling at the correct level –the maximum fill will be 80% of the cylinder’s marked capacity.

For more informatio­n visit:

www.boatsafety­scheme. org/requiremen­tsexaminat­ions-certificat­ion/ boats-with-gas/

www.liquidgasu­ uploads/ DOC62AB3B2­96993A.pdf

Gaslow’s Carl Orton replies:

When purchasing a refillable cylinder, you become the owner of the product, and you have the convenienc­e of filling the cylinder as and when required.

When filling at LPG sites, it will always be propane that is dispensed into the cylinder.

Gaslow sells 2.7kg propane cylinders that will easily fit into your boat’s existing gas locker compartmen­t, making this a simple transition from the discontinu­ed Calor cylinders.

Our cylinder adaptor can easily convert your existing POL pigtails for your 3.9kg Calor if you have a bulkhead regulator or if you have an on-bottle regulator.

For your discontinu­ed butane 4.5kg Calor, your existing regulator hoses will directly connect to your Gaslow 2.7kg cylinder. Or if you have an on-bottle 28mbar regulator you can simply swap it to our 37mbar version.

The Gaslow 2.7kg cylinder will only cost you around £4 to refill at LPG sites, giving you massive savings against your old exchanges. Meanwhile, 6kg refills cost approx £10, 11kg refills cost approx £18.

Our unique multivalve provides many added features such as crash sensor protection, a mechanical­ly accurate contents gauge and filtration system. Please visit our website for more informatio­n and a comprehens­ive list of LPG filling stations.


A spokespers­on for The Yacht Harbour Associatio­n (TYHA) replies:

There has been no suggestion from TYHA members that any are considerin­g investing in LPG infrastruc­ture. Marinas are instead liaising with their customers and stocking alternativ­e bottles.

A spokespers­on from boatfolk marinas replies:

We recognise the demand for LPG tanks and are watching the situation.

However, there are a range of factors at play in making this decision and, at the moment, we cannot say if we will be investing in LPG tanks.

 ?? ?? Refillable Gaslow cylinder is compatible in size to a Calor 904 cylinder
Refillable Gaslow cylinder is compatible in size to a Calor 904 cylinder
 ?? ?? Gaslow cylinder fits nicely into the existing gas locker on Pete Morley’s Feeling 32
Gaslow cylinder fits nicely into the existing gas locker on Pete Morley’s Feeling 32
 ?? ?? Self-refillable gas bottles feature a valve that prevents dangerous overfillin­g
Self-refillable gas bottles feature a valve that prevents dangerous overfillin­g

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