Portsmouth News

Southgate steps down


Jenny Rawlings

I think Lineker should give it a go, seeing as how vocal he has been during this tournament, see if he can do any better. Of course, it's way easier to just 'chat' for a living

Liz Matthews

Yes, maybe it is the time for Gareth to move on. I think he’s been a great manager. And for all the flak he’s got and getting his record has been good. And one thing I’m not hearing is that he inspired those four players to rid us of our 'nemesis’ – those penalty shootouts. Respect the manager, respect the players

Pamela Linzey

Thank you Gareth for your support and dedication to England. As Jimmy Greaves once said: ‘Football is a funny old game.' It just takes a moment for a person to go from a Hero to Demon, be they a player or a manager! Good luck in the future

Becca Traynor

Shame, he was a good manager liked by the players. He got them to two finals, got the players involved and they enjoyed being in the team

Karen Boxall

Thank you so much for your dedication and loyalty. You have taken us further than any other England manager. Yes there have been many ups and downs but you have managed to hold your head up high. Time for someone else to build on what you have already done. Thank you, Gareth Southgate

Robin Lipsham

His big plus was the system he came through and helped change with regard to bringing young talented blood to the fore, which should benefit the next manager. But his problem was trying not to lose a game as a priority over trying to win a game. And not letting more of that young talent blossom with game time. But a big thank you for taking us where we did go.

Alan Cripps

We have to thank him for the good times! His record cannot be knocked and he should be proud of where he got us in tournament­s! He just couldn’t get us across the line and win that trophy. Let’s hope the next manager can

Katie Fay Vincent

I think he's been a great manager, shame he got

so much stick when they wouldn't be the team they are without him

Andy Holding

I don’t blame him after the way he’s been treated by some 'fans.' Top bloke. And he left the national side in a far better condition than when he became manager. He’ll be a hard act to follow and all the moaners won’t waste any time laying into

the new gaffer if they don’t produce a trophy. Thanks Gareth and best wishes for the future

Mark Harding

Right, who’s the next one up to get slaughtere­d by the armchair managers?

Steve Smith

Surely no replacemen­t is needed? The team can just keep an eye on Facebook for guidance. Seems there's plenty of experts on here of late

Kieran Groizard

Now just in time for Kane to retire from internatio­nal football

Isobel Edwards

That is so sad. He was an excellent manager. He brought the team together, he inspired the players

Claire Hampton

Well done mate. Great job

 ?? ?? Many readers will miss Gareth Southgate
Many readers will miss Gareth Southgate

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