Portsmouth News

Amanda Wakeley’s passion for fashion

The designer on looking forward - not back


If there’s one thing Amanda Wakeley would do differentl­y given the chance, it would be to pause and pat herself on the back a little more often.

“Being an entreprene­ur and a creative, you’re always on this hamster wheel. Particular­ly in the fashion industry – you’re one collection to the next, to the next,” says the British designer and podcaster, 61.

“What I’m trying to do a bit more now, and I slightly wish I had – not that I am one for regrets, because I am really not – but just every now and then to take a moment to, not be smug, but just pat myself on the back and say, ‘Good job’.”

It’s something that’s taken on greater meaning in recent years. Wakeley launched her eponymous label in the Nineties, soon becoming known for her paredback glam and elevated-classic designs, worn by the likes of the Princess of Wales (Diana and Kate), Scarlett Johansson, Kate Winslet and Helen Mirren.

But after three decades of success – including an OBE in 2010 for services to fashion – the brand was hit by the pandemic, going into administra­tion in 2021 and later liquidatio­n. Amidst all of this, one of her two brothers – Charlie – died aged 62 from a brain tumour.

She could easily have taken it all as a sign to hang up her boots and retire. Instead, Wakeley launched a podcast, Styledna (now in its fifth season), in which she interviews celebrity guests about their personal style evolution, and the life lessons and events that have taken place around that.

“It has sort of taken on a life of its own, which I am thrilled about, because I was always fascinated by the psychology of why we wear what we wear, how clothes can empower us and cocoon us and feed into our wellbeing,” she says of the concept, which started out as a book idea (still in the works).

“I was going to call it Discoverin­g Your Style DNA because I think so often, women in particular don’t really work out who they are sartoriall­y for quite a while, if they ever do actually, and it can really prey on them. I’ve heard of women not going to great events or parties because they don’t feel like they’ve got the right thing to wear, which feels really, really sad.”

She’s grateful attitudes are changing around ageing, particular­ly in terms of pursuing new goals at any stage of life and embracing opportunit­ies to evolve.

“We have to keep moving, stay curious, stay impassione­d.

Because I think unless you’re passionate about what you’ re doing, you’re wasting your life.

“I’m not big on looking back too much,” adds Wakeley. “That was what it was, and great, then I think it’s all about what’s next? Learn your lessons as and when, but tomorrow is a new day. Today is a new day.”

 ?? ?? Amanda Wakeley, British fashion designer and creative director is host of the podcast Amanda Wakeley: Style DNA. n
Amanda Wakeley, British fashion designer and creative director is host of the podcast Amanda Wakeley: Style DNA. n
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