Portsmouth News

Remember Accrington? Fans must embrace a brutal return


It was Accrington defender Peter Murphy who denied Pompey victory in their first away trip of the 201314 campaign in agonising circumstan­ces.

A staggering travelling crowd of 1,001 were present in Lancashire for the televised 12.30pm kickoff - 39.54 per cent of the attendance - in the League Two fixture.

Guy Whittingha­m’s men had appeared to be heading for a 2-1 triumph thanks to David Connolly’s double - only for Murphy’s 85thminute headed leveller to secure a 2-2 draw.

This coming August represents 11 years since that sobering Crown Ground moment, only this time the opposition will be Leeds in the 2024-25 Championsh­ip opener.

The Fratton faithful have longed to return to that level. They’ve endured defeats at York, losses at Cheltenham, Captain Pugwash at Fleetwood, been buried at Bury, surrendere­d a threegoal lead at Southend, suffered Barry Roche at Morecambe, and been caught by a lack of toilets at Forest Green.

The joys of registerin­g new grounds with each gloriously uncharted away trip have been replaced by dreary familiarit­y. Once it was a refreshing experience, now it’s a trudging chore.

Still, following promotion as League One champions, John Mousinho’s men have finally been served with their fixture list.

In addition to Leeds, the opening seven weeks of the Championsh­ip campaign also includes play-off semifinali­sts West Brom, along with Burnley, Sheffield United and Luton, who all occupied the Premier League last season.

If that doesn’t represent a brutal enough start, there are also Middlesbro­ugh and Sunderland - all before September 28.

Of course the Blues will play each team twice and obviously this is a tougher division than those they encountere­d in the previous 12 years; nonetheles­s, it’s a nightmare beginning for any freshly-promoted team.

Those realistic members of the Fratton faithful will show empathy, patience and understand­ing over the perils posed by those opening seven league matches.

Although undoubtedl­y others of a more hysterical nature will be calling for the head coach’s dismissal and hammering players should a flying start not be secured during that period and the Blues fail to occupy the top 10.

Welcome to the Championsh­ip, Pompey. How we’ve missed it.

Life has changed considerab­ly since they were last among the numbers in 2011-12, certainly financiall­y

11 Years since an opening day trip to Accrington

2 Goals for Connolly at Accrington in 2013

39 Pompey’s % of Accrington’s total crowd

it is unrecognis­able, yet this has been the overriding ambition for more than a decade. These are the challenges the club have long wanted to savour.

It’s a tough start, surely even the most argumentat­ively obtuse can acknowledg­e that, but this is Championsh­ip football. Facing Leeds, Swansea, Blackburn and Watford should be the norm - not merely restricted to cup encounters.

The road will be bumpy, there will be frustratio­ns along the way, Mousinho will be questioned, recruitmen­t will be criticised, the owners will be called out over their ambition. That’s normal, that’s football.

Most importantl­y, Pompey are back, a club transforme­d since meekly bidding farewell in April 2012. This is where they belong, the tough task ahead should be cherished, not feared, irrespecti­ve of dangers which lie in wait.

Mousinho’s men - backed by the magnificen­t Fratton faithful - will stand up and scrap to remain at this level. This is no time to cower in the corner, cursing fixture lists and agonising over indetermin­able outcomes in late June. It has taken too long to get back here, too many good people have been lost along the way.

The alternativ­e is a trip to Leyton Orient on the opening day of 2024-25, which incidental­ly is the fate of League One Bolton.

This is no time to cower in the corner, cursing fixture lists and agonising over indetermin­able outcomes in late June. It has taken too long to get back here

 ?? ?? There were 1,001 of the Pompey faithful at Accrington for their first League Two away game of the 2013-14 season
Picture: Ste Jones.
There were 1,001 of the Pompey faithful at Accrington for their first League Two away game of the 2013-14 season Picture: Ste Jones.
 ?? ?? Joe Devera in action at Accrington in 2013
Joe Devera in action at Accrington in 2013
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