Portsmouth News

Say it loud – spoken word is back again!

- Katherine Sim, Victorious marketing executive

We are more than just music. Embracing all things art and culture, we are delighted to introduce the Spoken Arts Parlour to the site this year.

Formerly known as Literacy Live, this area will continue to celebrate words and the arts with the return of some firm favourites and brand-new things for Victorious 2024.

Found in Fringe Fields, festival-goers can expect everything from rap workshops, poetry and spoken word performanc­es and freestyle performanc­es, to puppetry workshops, storytelli­ng, flower crown making and drawing. Charlie Rosse has been invited back to perform spoken word and will be bringing some of the south coast’s best spoken word performers with her.

There will be so many creative and wonderful things spread across the Spoken Arts Parlour and its sister tent, offering festivalgo­ers a chance to join in, watch, create or take five from the hustle and bustle of busier spaces. This area is community-minded with several local charities involved in creating this special space on site.

Speaking about the Spoken Arts Parlour, curator Emma Alexandra said: “These fantastic charities and groups have been handpicked by me as they are so dedicated to the arts, mental health and education. I’m so excited to see what they bring to Victorious 2024. The

Spoken Arts Parlour will be celebratin­g the arts in all its forms.”

We are thrilled that local charity The Literacy Hub will also be back on site this year.

Becca Dean, CEO and founder of The Literacy Hubs, added: “Victorious Festival’s generous funding for our hubs is truly transforma­tive. We are so grateful for their contributi­on, which has enabled us to support even more children across the city. The team at Victorious is incredible, and their commitment to education and community enrichment is outstandin­g.”

Make sure you take a break from the music and pop into the parlour to experience this cultural hotspot during Victorious 2024.

The Spoken Arts Parlour will be celebratin­g the arts in all its forms

 ?? ?? From last year’s Literacy Live at Victorious Festival - now the Spoken Word Parlour. Picture: Emma Wurfel
From last year’s Literacy Live at Victorious Festival - now the Spoken Word Parlour. Picture: Emma Wurfel

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