Portsmouth News

College students rework a classic Shakespear­e tale


Talented students produced an impressive performanc­e of one of Shakespear­e’s classic tales at a historic venue.

Second-year acting for stage and screen students from HSDC South Downs were given the unique chance to perform Romeo and Juliet at The Great Barn in Titchfield, enabling them to showcase over five months

of hard work and dedication.

The preparatio­n saw the students undergo a process of exploratio­n into the text and its themes, via many workshops, lectures, and trips. They also explored the concept of contempori­sation, and why this is vital in making theatre speak to modern audiences.

This has therefore been an incredible opportunit­y that will be hugely beneficial for those hoping to pursue a career in the acting world in the future.

Jimmy Ryan-shedden, lecturer of drama, added: “We have contempori­sed, reimagined, pulled apart and developed this Shakespear­e classic into something that is relevant and valid to modern audiences in the present day.

“This is, and was the remit of the students’ final task, as part of the acting for stage and screen course at HSDC.

“Many times within this process the students and I have questioned whether Shakespear­e would be accepting of the contempori­sation of his works.

“Well, I am certain that he would be.

“To be able to make his work speak to a whole new generation of willing audiences and minds, is imperative in enabling the continuati­on of his work, and continuing the legacy that he had left behind. In what has been a busy year at HSDC, having also partaken in The National Theatre’s Connection Programme only weeks ago, our students have prospered and created a Romeo and Juliet that is truly beautiful.”

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HSDC South Downs students perform Romeo and Juliet at The Great Barn in Titchfield
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