Portsmouth News

Inspectors find Elson Infant School to be 'highly inclusive'


Described as ‘ambitious’, ‘inclusive’and ‘welcoming’, an infant school in Gosport has been rated good following its recent Ofsted inspection.

Elson Infant School, located in Elson Lane, Gosport, was inspected on March 19 and 20, 2024 and inspectors have found that it is a school where ‘pupils feel safe’ and ‘behave very well’. The inspection report outlined that the ‘school is ambitious for all pupils to learn well’ and the curriculum has been constructe­d so that pupils form a clear understand­ing of topics.

Reading is a high priority at the setting and high quality texts are sourced so that children can develop a love for different genres.

Texts include fiction and poetry in order to ensure effective phonics teaching and books are wellmatche­d to pupils based on their needs.

The report said: “The curriculum is taught well by expert staff. The activities that pupils complete are carefully selected. In early years, the purposeful nature of planned activities helps children to secure new learning. Lessons are resourced with highqualit­y materials.

“Staff have a good understand­ing of what pupils know and can do. They intervene to ensure any gaps in understand­ing are addressed rapidly. Pupils with special educationa­l needs and/or disabiliti­es (SEND) have precise targets.”

The inspection also found that the school supports the personal developmen­t of pupils and there is an appreciati­on for equalities and diversity across the setting. This demonstrat­es to the children that everyone should be included in activities.

Sarah Duffy, executive headteache­r at Elson

Infant School, said: “We are absolutely delighted with our recent Ofsted outcome and were thrilled that the work that we do for our children's personal developmen­t has been highlighte­d as a strength.

"We are proud of the work we do with not only our children, but families and our wider community also.

“We have worked really hard on our curriculum developmen­t over the last three years and were pleased that the hard work and dedication of our staff has been recognised.”

 ?? ?? Seahorses Class at Elson Infant School, Elson Lane, Gosport
Seahorses Class at Elson Infant School, Elson Lane, Gosport
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