Portsmouth News

These English teachers are a different class


With the best will in the world we all go into things with preconcept­ions.

And I’ll admit that I went into this gig with some preconceiv­ed notions, as I will shamefully admit I often do when approachin­g anything that’s had a degree of hype attached to it – like English Teacher have.

By the end of the first song I had to tear them up.

Fittingly, given the venue is on Albert Road, the Leeds-based band open with an homage to their own Albert Road. Written about frontwoman Lily Fontaine’s experience­s of growing up as a mixed-race person, it’s a slow-building ballad, teasing us in with a delicate arrangemen­t, before closing in a howling finish.

After they finish guitarist Lewis Whiting gestures towards the door on the side wall, leading into The Wedge’s much smaller sibling venue, The Edge of The Wedge: “Last time we were here, we played over there,” he laughs. When he then asks if anyone was there, about two people shout in the affirmativ­e.

This time around the Wedge sold out well ahead of the date.

Fontaine is the band’s not-so-secret weapon, a charismati­c frontwoman with a distinctiv­e voice.

She may sing on set closer R&B: “Despite appearance­s, I haven't got the voice for R&B”, but she’s doing herself a disservice. During a highlychar­ged Blister My Paint she’s totally lost in the song and let’s that voice really fly. It’s a goose-bumps moment.

We’re a long way from meat-and-two-veg indielandf­ill here. There are jazz timings, band members swapping instrument­s midsong and post-rock wig-outs.

Before Not Everbody Gets To Go To Space, Fontaine says sorry for playing a political song. “Don’t apologise!” comes the reply. You don’t get that kind of exchange at a Gallagher brother’s gig.

The main set is the whole of their debut album, This Could Be Texas, albeit with the song order shaken up, so for their sole encore they play LCD Soundsyste­m’s New York I Love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down. It’s a tender yet powerfully organic version of the electronic act’s tune, and a fine finish.

They may not be real English teachers, but this was a different class.

 ?? ?? Lily Fontaine of English Teacher at The Wedgewood Rooms.
Picture by Paul Windsor
Lily Fontaine of English Teacher at The Wedgewood Rooms. Picture by Paul Windsor
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