Portsmouth News

Creating space in our world for Your World

- with Chris Broom

Every week we receive hundreds of emails from people wanting to send us informatio­n to publish in the newspaper.

In truth, there is often more material than we can find space for in print although, thankfully, our website is able to make space for some of the articles we can’t feature in our pages.

However, the more eagleeyed among our readers may have noticed we have introduced a new page in the paper which has appeared on Tuesday for the last two weeks.

The Your World page has a distinctiv­e red masthead and features just the sort of stories and bits of informatio­n sent in by both members of the public and the various PR people around the county seeking to publicise the work they do.

The page may look a little different to the rest of the newspaper and that is because it is designed by the latest artificial intelligen­ce tools.

The idea is that it appears distinct so readers can readily differenti­ate the profession­al journalism in the rest of the paper we provide from this

‘user generated content’, as it is known in the industry.

As such there is minimal editing to the stories featured on the pages to remain faithful to how they were submitted and so the style may well be different to the rest of our writing.

We hope by creating this dedicated space to encourage people to submit important informatio­n via a special page on our website and provide more of this sort of community news that, perhaps, has been missing from the newspaper in recent years.

Of course, we still won’t have space to publish everything in our printed pages.

However, provided it follows a few basic rules and, of course, is interestin­g or offers valuable informatio­n, then there will be a home on our website for it.

And don’t worry there are no plans for it to replace anything our team currently offers as we have redesigned our classified advertisin­g pages to make the space for it.

‘‘ The page may look a little different and that’s because it’s designed by the latest AI tools

If you want to find out more informatio­n about how to send us your story then visit portsmouth.co.uk and simply click on the ‘Submit Your Story’ link.

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 ?? ?? We’ve introduced a new Your World page to the newspaper
We’ve introduced a new Your World page to the newspaper

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