Portsmouth News

Mechanic set to open sustainabl­e vintage shop


A mechanic with a sustainabl­e dream is opening up a brand new vintage shop in the heart of Southsea.

Merlin Pitt has had a passion for sustainabi­lity and vintage clothing for as long as he can remember – and it was 12 years ago that he began paving the way for his future.

It all started when his friends would go to his house and sift through his wardrobe looking for things they could borrow. It gave Merlin the idea to start selling second-hand vintage clothing.

From there, his dream has become a vivid reality and after years of pop-up shops, selling clothing online and attending markets, he will open a shop in Albert Road next month.

Merlin was presented with the opportunit­y to open a small shop in Salisbury last year and jumped at the chance to get his foot in the door of the industry.

His small vintage store has gone from strength to strength, but his dream has always been to have a shop in Southsea – and that is what he has been working towards.

The mechanic found a perfect site in the heart of the city and decided to grab the opportunit­y with both hands. The new vintage shop will replace the one in Salisbury and Merlin is hoping to open on the first weekend in March.

He said: “It has been my dream to have a shop like this since I was a little boy. It is like a lottery win and to me it doesn’t get better than this – this is as good as it gets.

“My mum brought me up to look after the planet and that is something that is crucial to my lifestyle, and opening a shop based around sustainabi­lity

– it just doesn’t get any better than this.

“Last summer, I got the opportunit­y to open a shop in Salisbury and my partner told me I had to go for it.

“Where we live in Southsea it has always been my dream to have a shop here and another opportunit­y came up and I have jumped in.”

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 ?? ?? Merlin Pitt, pictured with his partner, is getting ready to open his brand new vintage shop in Albert Road, Southsea
Merlin Pitt, pictured with his partner, is getting ready to open his brand new vintage shop in Albert Road, Southsea

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