Portsmouth News

Got lockdown time on your hands?

- Duck Rillette restaurant is Fat Olives, Emsworth. Visit fatolives.co.uk

During the first lockdown, because we had a lot of time on our hands, many people made sourdough bread.

This recipe, for duck rillette, could be the second lockdown recipe for you to try.

Ingredient­s (serves 10-12)

4 duck legs; 3 cloves garlic; 10 black peppercorn­s; 10 crushed juniper berries; 1 bayleaf; small bunch thyme; sea salt; 500g duck fat


1. Season the duck legs heavily with sea salt and then press two legs together, meat to meat. Put on to a tray, cover with cling film and refrigerat­e for 12 hours or overnight. After this you will see the duck meat is a brighter pink colour as it has started to cure.

2. In an oven-proof dish put 100ml of water in the bottom and then add the thyme, garlic, bay, juniper and peppercorn­s.

3. Place the duck legs on top and cover with duck fat.

4. Heat gently on the stove top until the fat starts to bubble.

5. Cover with a lid and put into a preheated oven 150C/gas 3 for three-and-a-half hours

6. Allow to cool until you can handle the duck legs and then pick the meat from the bones, discarding the skin and any gristle. Skim all the fat from the juices in the bottom of the pan.

7. Add a tablespoon of the juices and 2 tablespoon­s of fat to the duck meat and rub together.

8. Taste and season if necessary.

9. Put into a container and cover with a little of the fat. Refrigerat­e for 6 hours.

10. When you want to serve, spoon on to plates and allow to come to room temperatur­e. Serve with toasted sourdough and gherkins.

11. Keep the fat for future use or roast potatoes.


 ??  ?? Duck rillette with a bit of sourdough and some gherkins.
Duck rillette with a bit of sourdough and some gherkins.

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