Portsmouth News

Addict spared jail despite ‘concerns’ over him in society

Fareham man caught in possession of drugs weeks after prison release


A VIOLENT drug addict who probation revealed they had ‘concerns about managing in the community’ was spared jail and sent out into society after being caught red-handed by police with drugs.

Lawless Fareham offender Steven Bassindale, 20, was back in court having only been released from behind bars in November for his latest criminal deeds.

The defendant appeared at Portsmouth Crown Court after being caught by police with a gang of drug-users at a Gosport address.

Bassindale was captured with 9.5 grams of MDMA powder worth £380 after police turned up at the address.

‘The defendant failed to co-operate with police with him blowing powder on the floor when they entered the property,’ prosecutor Martyn Booth said.

‘Police then allowed him to leave before realising he may have had drugs on him. After going back to find him, Mr Bassindale ran off before police chased him and found drugs on him.

‘Although he had a large quantity of MDMA on him, it was not inconsiste­nt with personal use for someone who has an appetite for drugs.’

Bassindale pleaded guilty to a single charge of possessing class A drugs.

The court was told about the defendant’s criminal past, having conviction­s for assault, public disorder, domestic violence, drugs offences and violence towards an emergency worker.

The menace was sentenced to jail for eight weeks in October for common assault, battery and breaching a community order.

But Daniel Reilly, defending, said Bassindale had curbed his ways since coming out of prison in November.

The barrister said: ‘There is a desire to make a change. He is someone who was in care until he was 18 years of age. He has been making a positive start in dealing with his issues with him seeking help from his GP.’

But despite the glowing reference from his lawyer, a probation officer said: ‘I have concerns whether he is manageable in the community.’

Bassindale, of no fixed address, was given three months jail suspended for 18 months and told to complete 30 rehabilita­tion days.

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