Portsmouth News

Brexit will be done


Thanks and more thanks – the election is over, Brexit will be done.

As always the ‘bad loser’ surfaced and this contentiou­s period in UK history highlighte­d it.

Yes I voted Tory and Brexit and yes to Boris too and now all to play for.

In fairness as stated before a more definitive referendum split would have been preferable – maybe 70/30.

Why was this not considered by all the uni-educated whizzkids government/ civil service employ??

Neverthele­ss two million more voters said leave – so be it.

If you don’t like the end product unless it’s your choice – don’t vote.

Classic example of ‘poor loser’ was the grotesque mob of hard left morons 800 strong screaming abuse at Downing Street on Friday evening, bellowing ‘Boris out’ – ludicrous bordering on childish.

Their choice of unelectabl­e PM was one assumes Jeremy Corbyn, a man who blatantly cosied up to Arab terrorists and IRA fanatics – hard to believe but a man who millions wanted as our leader.

Suddenly the scheming, back biting, unpleasant underbelly of politics – all of ‘em is revealed as the bandwagon rolled to say he was regarded as useless, nobody understood why he was chosen and a quote from one former Labour star stated ‘could not lead Labour out of a paper bag’ – damning indeed and also sickeningl­y ‘wise after the event.’ Apart from the gulf between left and right, senior politician­s forgot that in this PR & PC age Corbyn lacked image. Scruffy, morose, badly dressed and that damned beard – maybe a nice guy but looked ordinary and not a shred of persona. Boris, equally scruffy, the hair affectatio­n annoying, waffling speaker but likeable and he had charisma. Not to be trusted was the socialist mantra – clarity needed! Not to be trusted with the family jewels maybe? It’s 2019, the UK is less uptight, us plebs have travelled, seen it all and attitudes are more tolerant. So, Boris likes a drink and is a success. Think back to Churchill – fat, very old, no oil painting, entitled, rich and landed gentry but he had charisma, guts, the will to win and dragged the UK back from disastrous Dunkirk whilst the USA stood aloof. Hopefully BJ can do the same. Jon Cole

Blount Road Portsmouth

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