Perthshire Advertiser

Dismay as birds left high and dry at Perth pond


Perth’s depleted South Inch pond is expected to refill with rainwater from the Craigie Burn, PKC said this week.

City residents have expressed dismay in recent weeks after seeing birds wading through mud instead of water.

Repairs to the pipes that feed the pond have taken place.

But there are fears that the water is so low that it will take a long time to refill.

The Norrie-miller ponds have also run dry with the council confirming a “specialist contractor” has been appointed to assess the situation there.

Perth councillor and the council’s climate change and sustainabi­lity convener councillor Liz Barrett said: “The pipe through the Craigie Burn was blocked a couple of weeks ago.

“The level of the pond dropped as a result.

“The council had to check what the problem was. Specialist­s have looked at it.

“Rain water is needed to refill the pond. People from my ward - Perth City South - use the South Inch park all the time. I want to see the matter fixed. I’d like to know what caused the block and the water levels to drop.

“We have to prevent it from happening again.”

A PKC spokespers­on explained yesterday (Monday) that the South Inch pond problem stemmed from a broken

pipe and a blockage “so when the pipe was cleared they had to fix the pipe.”

He added: “Repairs to the pipe that feed the South Inch pond have now been carried out and it will refill when the Craigie Burn is high enough to pass water through to the pond.

“We have appointed a specialist contractor who will look at what is causing the issue at the Norie-miller ponds.”

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Messybirds waddle have through instead of water
 ?? ?? Empty The South Inch Pond in Perth has been drained
Empty The South Inch Pond in Perth has been drained

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