Paisley Daily Express

The best Bar none

Undefeated Hagg A team top darts league


A triumphant Hagg Bar A have been crowned the winners of the Paisley & District darts league.

After an 18-month lay-off due to the coronaviru­s pandemic, they topped the Division 1 table for the 2019/20 season, undefeated after a thumping 8-1 victory away at Court Bar B.

The defeat means that Court Bar B finished in fourth place.

Arthurlie Arrows and Railway Inn fought it out for second spot in the table in a tense encounter at The Clachan Bar and it was the Arrows that struck first, taking the first two singles matches through David Carmichael and Robert Thompson.

Railway Inn struck back with three wins of their own as Andy Bryan, Chris Dowling and Bobby Muir put the team in front.

The last singles match went to the Arrows as Paul Hanvidge closed out play with a 3-0 win to make the scoreline 3-3. It was honours even in the first two doubles, so it came down to the last doubles for second place.

After two legs, it was finely poised at 1-1 until Thompson and Gordon Brown closed out the match for the Arrows, winning 2-1 to take the match 5-4, ensuring second spot for their team and third spot for the Railway Inn.

Fifth spot in the table went to The New Saints after being awarded a 9-0 win over The Kelburn, who dropped out earlier in the season.

Flying Horse finished sixth overall, even though they couldn’t raise a team for the game at Keystone A, who are in seventh.

Cross Stobs Inn sit in eighth spot, courtesy of an awarded 9-0 win over Charleston Arms.

Hagg Bar C were at home to The Clachan Bar as they played out the last game of the division. It was the home team that proved too strong as they routed their opponents 9-0 to keep a grip of ninth in the table, consigning The Clachan Bar to tenth place.

Division 2 was settled a couple of weeks ago, but leaders Kelburne Cricket Club didn’t let it go to their heads as they saw out the last game of the season with a hard fought 5-4 win over Charleston, meaning the losing team finished in seventh place.

Arthurlie Inns consolidat­ed their second place in the table with their own 5-4 win, as they travelled to Inkerman to pick up the points, with the hosts finishing the season in eighth spot.

Third place went to Tartan Rose, who needed a big result against Hazel Pirates to make sure of their position as The Hazel Arms were on the same points and only two legs behind them.

They came out firing and never really stopped as they rattled up their best result of the season with a brilliant 8-1 win over the Pirates team. The loss for Pirates means they close out the season in sixth place.

Watching for the result of that match were the team from the Hazel Arms as they got a 9-0 walkover victory as Hagg Bar B couldn’t raise a team. When the result came through it showed that they had lost out on third place by just one leg of darts, over the whole season.

Hagg Bar B finish the season in tenth spot and get the dreaded wooden spoon.

Gryffe Inn, who had been on the same points total as the Pirates prior to this week’s games, managed to put some daylight between the teams in the last game as they ran out 6-3 winners in a home game against Keystone B with the defeat keeping the losing team in ninth place.

There were a total of seven maximums scored this week, with Railway Inn’s Andy Bryan scoring two.

There were nine legs of darts finished in 18 darts or less, with the shortest game being hit by Hagg Bar A’s Mick Malone thanks to a brilliant 12 dart leg. The highest finish of the night also came from Malone as he finished with a 146 checkout.

 ?? ?? Neigh bad Flying Horse finished sixth
Neigh bad Flying Horse finished sixth
 ?? ?? Victorious Hagg Bar A
Victorious Hagg Bar A

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